Northern Ireland v New Zealand Match Programme
ƥS[ [I EVI ORS[R XS LEZI XLI SHH HMWEKVIIQIRX ;I EVI GSVVIGX SJ GSYVWI XS EVKYI SYV GSVRIV ERH are entitled to hold the views we do. There are just a few exceptions to the rule. When [I LEZI HMWGYWWMSRW [MXL 1EP (SREKL] UYMIX ERH YREWWYQMRK EW LI QE] FI MX MW LEVH XS GSRXVEHMGX E QER [MXL GETW ERH XLI I\IQTPEV] VIGSVH LI LEH for our wee country. The other exception is perhaps more dramatic. In GSRZIVWEXMSRW [MXL -ER 7XI[EVX MX MW HMJƤGYPX RSX XS remember that only one person in the debate has WGSVIH XLI [MRRIV EKEMRWX +IVQER] ERH HIWTMXI XLI FIWX IJJSVXW MR Q] HVIEQW MX [EW RSX WEH XS WE] myself. So back to the enjoyment and appreciation of FIEYX] 0IXŭW LSTI XLEX [I GER LEZI WSQI XSRMKLX With all due respect to our friends from the other WMHI SJ XLI [SVPH MXŭW E KVIIR WLMVXIH WGSVIV XLEX [MPP QEOI QI [ERX XS WMRK ERH HERGI XSRMKLX RSX /MVMŭW QIPPMƥYSYW XSRIW ERH PSRK QE] MX VIQEMR WS Words: William Campbell
There can be few more beautiful things than the FEPP MR XLI FEGO SJ XLI STTSRIRXWŭ RIX ERH ]SYV heroes whirling away to jump on top of each other. %RH JSV QI E WYJJIVIV SJ E PSRK MRXIVREXMSREP HVSYKLX XLVSYKL XLI IEVP] ]IEVW SJ XLMW GIRXYV] ER] KSEP [MRRIV IUYEPMWIV SV GSRWSPEXMSR MW E XLMRK SJ great beauty and a thing to bring tears to the most hard-hearted. %QSRK XLI [SVPHŭW QSWX TVIGMSYW XLMRKW MW XLI JIIPMRK SJ IPEXMSR [LIR /]PI SV .SWL SV 2MEPP FYX TVSFEFP] ERH QSWX PMOIP] +EVIXL SV [LSIZIV TYXW XLI FEPP MRXS XLI VMZEPŭW RIX -X YWIH XS FI WS WMQTPI 8LI &S] (EZMH MR LMW LI]HE] just needed to turn up and we knew goals were on the menu. We have been spoiled in our recent past with goals nearly always coming at the National Stadium EW [I XVEZIVWIH XLI LIMKLXW ƤVWXP] SJ )YVS ƤREPW UYEPMƤGEXMSR ERH PEXXIVP] EW [I XV] XS QERYJEGXYVI second place to the world champions and play-off UYEPMƤGEXMSR SR XLI [E] XS 6YWWME ERH XLI ;SVPH Cup next summer. 7SQIXMQIW MR XLI -*% EW [I HMWGYWW QEXXIVW SJ huge importance and the conversations ebb and
Another beauty… Stuart Dallas scores for Northern Ireland in an international friendly against Qatar in May 2015 at Gresty Road, home of Crewe Alexandra.
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