Northern Ireland v New Zealand Match Programme

Oliver Norwood plans to continue blending folklore with football as he prepares for one of the most exciting years of his career.

“We'll be underdogs next season but I'm used to XLEX - ZI FIIR TEVX SJ E 2SVXLIVR -VIPERH XIEQ that has been the underdog before and we have achieved great things. Ű8LIVI W RS VIEWSR [MXL XLI WUYEH ERH togetherness we have at Brighton why we can't stay in the Premier League. Ű)ZIV]XLMRK MW XLIVI XLI MRJVEWXVYGXYVI WXEHMYQ XVEMRMRK KVSYRH GLEMVQER QEREKIV ERH TPE]IVW We just have to make it work. “The likes of Burnley and Bournemouth have gone up in recent seasons and stayed in the Premier 0IEKYI WS XLI] EVI ER I\EQTPI [I GER JSPPS[ “They have spent some money - you have to - but not the millions and millions the big boys have spent and they have managed to sustain their 4VIQMIV 0IEKYI WXEXYW WS MX GER FI HSRI ű ;MXL LMW JYPP JSGYW FEGO SR XLI MRXIVREXMSREP WXEKI 2SV[SSH MW IEKIV XS FYMPH SR XLI GSRƤHIRX WXEVX Northern Ireland have made to their World Cup UYEPMJ]MRK GEQTEMKR

Twelve months on from starring in Northern -VIPERH W ƤVWX IZIV )YVS ƤREPW I\TIVMIRGI MR *VERGI XLI QMHƤIPHIV MW JVIWL JVSQ LIPTMRK &VMKLXSR IRH XLIMV ]IEV I\MPI JVSQ XLI &EVGPE]W 4VIQMIV League. 8LI PEWX XMQI XLI 7IEKYPPW WSEVIH MR XLI VEVIƤIH EMV SJ )RKPMWL JSSXFEPP W XST ƥMKLX [EW MR [LIR international boss Michael O'Neill was a fresh JEGIH ]IEV SPH With Northern Ireland also in the midst of targeting E TPEGI EX RI\X WYQQIV W ;SVPH 'YT ƤREPW MR 6YWWME 2SV[SSH LEW QER] PERHQEVO QSQIRXW XS look forward to in the months ahead. Ű-X W ER I\GMXMRK XMQI ű WEMH XLI &YVRPI] FSVR TPE]QEOIV [LS MW VIPMWLMRK &VMKLXSR W VIXYVR XS XLI XST VYRK SJ )RKPMWL JSSXFEPP “It's an incredible achievement because it's getting harder to get into the Premier League from the 'LEQTMSRWLMT ű LI TSMRXIH SYX “To go back in pre-season as a Premier League GPYF [MPP FI XIVVMƤG ERH MX W WSQIXLMRK XLI GLEMVQER management team and players have worked so hard for.


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