Modular Stands Brochure
<9m 2 Stands
Pop-updisplays areaptly namedas they popup and click intoplaceusingmagnetic lockingarms, graphics areattachedusingmagbars. Displays canbe as simple as youwant or create large exhibition areas at a very cost effectiveprice. Connect three frames together with linkingpanels to create a flowingdesign completewith centre cut out and tvmonitor. For extra impact andheight add a four quadPop-up tower; for storage and shelving there is also aPop-up counter available. Constructed using threePop-up frames andPop-up tower.
> Assembly time
> Basedon1
Less than0.5day
person assembly
Hardwareweights and cases required
Hardwareweight: 53kg
Hardware cases: 1 x 15kgElipsemoulded case 2 x 15kgZeusmoulded case 1 xPop-up counter bag
Made with FlippingBook - Online Brochure Maker