Minprint Modular Displays Handbook
- Location : :KDW VSDFH LV DYDLODEOH WR \RX" 1XPEHU RI RSHQ VLGHV" - Design : 7\SH RI PDWHULDOV IDEULF ULJLG RU ȵH[LEOH SDQHOV" Can height be used for communications: use of banners, or allowing increased storage space? :KDW VWRUDJH VSDFH IRU PDWHULDOV EURFKXUHV LV QHHGHG" ΖV OLJKWLQJ QHHGHG WR GUDZ DWWHQWLRQ WR \RXU VWDQG" - Usage: How often will the stand be used? 'RHV LW QHHG WR EH VFDODEOH ERWK VKDSH DQG VL]H " How can you transport it? - Budget : How much budget is available to build your stand? How many exhibitions do you need to attend before costs are recouped? Can the stand be reused in another setting: showroom OD\RXW EDFNJURXQG GLVSOD\ HWF " Keys to success 0DNLQJ \RXU H[KLELWLRQ SUHVHQFH D VXFFHVV UHTXLUHV D QXPEHU of things: - Set WKUHH WR ȴYH clear objectives, which will guide your Marketing 6WUDWHJ\ GXULQJ WKH HYHQW - 0D[LPLVH WKH YLVXDO LPSDFW ZLWK D JRRG TXDOLW\ VWDQG SURPRWLQJ WKH company’s image (open sides, suspended displays, good graphics, quality materials HWF - Implement HHFWLYH FRPPXQLFDWLRQV DQG SURPRWLRQ VWUDWHJLHV before, during and after the event including; emailing, invitations, VRFLDO QHWZRUNLQJ DQG SURPRWLRQDO RHUV DW WKH VWDQG Whatever the space, Modular products will bring you a wide choice of solutions. MODULAR // 7
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