Minprint Modular Displays Handbook
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Vector – The art of communicating
$V D GLVSOD\ ZDOO IUHH VWDQGLQJ GLVSOD\ RU EDFNOLW VROXWLRQ WKH ZLGH VHOHFWLRQ RI ZLGWKV RHUHG E\ WKH 9HFWRU DOXPLQLXP IUDPHV SURYLGHV D UDQJH RI VROXWLRQV IRU HYHU\ UHTXLUHPHQW DQG HYHU\ EXGJHW // Anodised aluminium SURȴOHV Quick Fix 20 mm 30 mm 50 mm - Fabric 50 mm - Rigid Our Vector range has eight styles of aluminium frame which are perfectly VXLWHG IRU D ZLGH UDQJH RI DSSOLFDWLRQV Our summary table will help you choose WKH ULJKW RQH IRU \RX 75 mm LED 100 mm LED 125 mm LED 150 mm LED LED Illumination Code VECTOR Wall Mounted Free-standing Unlit Double-sided Economy Premium 9:4) &86720 20 mm x x x 9/% &86720 30mm x x x 9.) &86720 50mm x x x x x 9/% &86720 * 75mm LED x x x x 9/% &86720 * 100mm LED x x x x x 9/% &86720 * 125mm LED x x x x x 9/% &86720 150mm LED x x x x x * Available in standard modules for stand application MODULAR // 32
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