Minprint Modular Displays Handbook
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We are continually improving and modifying our product range and reserve the right to remove products or vary the VSHFLȴFDWLRQV ZLWKRXW SULRU QRWLFH $OO GLPHQVLRQV VWDWH KHLJKW ȴUVW $OO GLPHQVLRQV JUDSKLF LQIRUPDWLRQ DQG DQ\ ZHLJKWV quoted are approximate and should be used as a guide only. We accept no responsibility for variance. E&OE
7R DGDSW VRPHWKLQJ ȵH[LEO\ WR match various circumstances
No matter what sort of space you are dealing with, or what your communications objectives are, we have a Modular solution that will meet your requirements. Our Modular range provides the EHVW RI ERWK ZRUOGV D FRPSURPLVH EHWZHHQ FRVW HHFWLYH SRUWDEOH VROXWLRQV DQG WKH WUDGLWLRQDO custom-built joinery stand. Take a look at our comprehensive range, created by our own in-house design team and built by our experienced production teams. You can choose from four possible Modular solutions to complete your project, allowing the freedom to let your imagination run riot.
Formulate FORMULATE is a highly original concept, combining a unique mastery of the space XVLQJ WXEXODU VWUXFWXUHV DQG DGGLQJ WKH LQȴQLWH possibilities of printed fabrics for graphics. Aluminium tubes are used to create innovative shapes and structures that add value to your communications, these can be made to custom designs that meet your exact needs. Linear LINEAR is an excellent choice for all Point-of-Sale communications and stands where you want to DGG YDOXH WR ȵH[LEOH RU ULJLG 39& JUDSKLFV Vector VECTOR is one of the most simple and versatile visual communication solutions on the market. It comprises an aluminium frame with a stretched textile or rigid graphic and can be adapted to any NLQG RI ORFDWLRQ 7KHUH DUH PDQ\ GLHUHQW VW\OHV enabling all kinds of applications: wall-mounted, free-standing, double sided and with lighting. Arena ARENA is an attractive tubular aluminium display structure which is both extremely lightweight and robust. Various sections can be assembled according to the space available and can then be covered with YLVXDO GLVSOD\V RQ IDEULF RU ȵH[LEOH 39& Our Product Range :H DUH GHGLFDWHG WR GHOLYHULQJ WKH ZLGHVW FKRLFH RI SURGXFWV IURP FRVW HHFWLYH WR SUHPLXP TXDOLW\ :H SURPLVH WR FRQWLQXRXVO\ VHDUFK IRU QHZ DQG SLRQHHULQJ LGHDV EULQJLQJ LQQRYDWLRQ DQG H[FLWHPHQW to RXU FRPSOHWH UDQJH RI SRUWDEOH GLVSOD\ SURGXFWV 2XU SURGXFWV FRYHU D EURDG UDQJH RI QHHGV IURP VLPSOH FRVW HHFWLYH GLVSOD\ VROXWLRQV WR PRUH FRPSUHKHQVLYH DQG VSHFLDOLVW GLVSOD\V IRU ERWK RQH R and semi-permanent use. Design and Patent Some of the products in our catalogue carry a Worldwide Patent, some carry a Design Patent. All of our unique products are designed in the UK / USA and designs are registered. Due to variations in graphic substrates, graphic thicknesses stated are provided as a guide only. Always check the suitability of your substrate on the display unit before application. MODULAR // 3 Point of Sale communications The secrets of success in Point of Sale design and display 7KH GHVLJQ DQG GLVSOD\ DW \RXU 3RLQW RI 6DOH SOD\V D YLWDO UROH LQ WKH VKRS HQYLURQPHQW LQ GLHUHQWLDWLQJ \RXU RHULQJ DQG DWWUDFWLQJ FXVWRPHUV MODULAR // 4 3RS XS 6WRUHV temporary is on trend 1RZ D SDUW RI HYHU\GD\ OLIH WKH WHPSRUDU\ VKRS RU 3RS XS 6WRUH LV 7+( FXUUHQW UHWDLO WUHQG DQG YHU\ SRSXODU ZLWK WKH SXEOLF :KHWKHU LW DSSHDUV LQ D FRPPHUFLDO VKRSSLQJ HQYLURQPHQW RU LQ DQ area of strategic footfall, it gives the consumer the opportunity to H[SHULHQFH \RXU EUDQG DOEHLW EULHȵ\ IURP D IHZ GD\V WR D IHZ PRQWKV Top tips for success 7R FUHDWH D VXFFHVVIXO SRS XS VWRUH LW LV HVVHQWLDO WR - Choose a strategic site; - 6HOHFW DQ RULJLQDO DQG ȵH[LEOH OD\RXW DQG ORFDWLRQ - Choose the time of year and how long to be there; - Set up entertainment events; - Organise upstream communications: target your campaign on the geographic zone chosen, to obtain optimal return; set up partnerships ZLWK RWKHU EUDQGV VHQG RXW SUHYLHZ LQYLWDWLRQV WR LQȵXHQWLDO EORJJHUV and journalists… Using Modular solutions Creating successful communications at a Point of Sale is dependent on a solution that combines both an original design DQG WKH EHVW YDOXH IRU PRQH\ To ensure you make the right choice, it is important to consider your objectives and answer the following questions: :K\ FKRRVH a modular solution? &RVW HHFWLYH + Design + Easy to assemble + Compact for easy transportation to several Points of Sale + Standard or bespoke + Unlimited refresh/ update of messages - Location : How much space is available to you? :KDW DUH \RXU SRWHQWLDO FRQVWUDLQWV LQ WHUPV RI KHLJKW and dimensions? - Design: $SSOLFDWLRQ ZDOO PRXQWHG VXVSHQGHG RU IUHH standing? 7\SHV RI PDWHULDOV IDEULF ULJLG RU ȵH[LEOH SDQHOV" ΖV EDFN OLJKWLQJ D UHTXLUHPHQW" - Use: How often do you need to update your message? Must the visuals be changed by a professional or can this be done by the end user? - Budget: :KDW EXGJHW LV DYDLODEOH IRU \RXU PRGXODU VROXWLRQ" +RZ PDQ\ 3RLQWV RI 6DOH QHHG WR EH ȴWWHG" MODULAR // 5 Exhibition Communications :K\ H[KLELW DW an event? Businesses that are aiming to drive brand recognition and to promote their products and services often FKRRVH H[KLELWLRQV WR KHOS WKHP DFKLHYH WKLV 7KHUH DUH PDQ\ JUHDW EHQHȴWV RI WKLV DSSURDFK DV DQ exhibition allows exhibitors to carry out a number of DFWLYLWLHV LQ D UHODWLYHO\ VKRUW WLPH VFDOH :K\ FKRRVH D modular stand? + Lightweight and compact 5HFRQȴJXUDEOH + Short payback + Durable + Easy to assemble + Standard or bespoke + Unlimited refresh/update of messages + Ergonomic design - Finding new customers - Monitoring the market - Presenting new products - Increasing customer loyalty - Business networking MODULAR // 6 - Location : :KDW VSDFH LV DYDLODEOH WR \RX" 1XPEHU RI RSHQ VLGHV" - Design : 7\SH RI PDWHULDOV IDEULF ULJLG RU ȵH[LEOH SDQHOV" Can height be used for communications: use of banners, or allowing increased storage space? :KDW VWRUDJH VSDFH IRU PDWHULDOV EURFKXUHV LV QHHGHG" ΖV OLJKWLQJ QHHGHG WR GUDZ DWWHQWLRQ WR \RXU VWDQG" - Usage: How often will the stand be used? 'RHV LW QHHG WR EH VFDODEOH ERWK VKDSH DQG VL]H " How can you transport it? - Budget : How much budget is available to build your stand? How many exhibitions do you need to attend before costs are recouped? Can the stand be reused in another setting: showroom OD\RXW EDFNJURXQG GLVSOD\ HWF " Keys to success 0DNLQJ \RXU H[KLELWLRQ SUHVHQFH D VXFFHVV UHTXLUHV D QXPEHU of things: - Set WKUHH WR ȴYH clear objectives, which will guide your Marketing 6WUDWHJ\ GXULQJ WKH HYHQW - 0D[LPLVH WKH YLVXDO LPSDFW ZLWK D JRRG TXDOLW\ VWDQG SURPRWLQJ WKH company’s image (open sides, suspended displays, good graphics, quality materials HWF - Implement HHFWLYH FRPPXQLFDWLRQV DQG SURPRWLRQ VWUDWHJLHV before, during and after the event including; emailing, invitations, VRFLDO QHWZRUNLQJ DQG SURPRWLRQDO RHUV DW WKH VWDQG Whatever the space, Modular products will bring you a wide choice of solutions. MODULAR // 7 MODULAR // 8 1 Formulate 2 1. Circle Hanging Structure 2. DS3 Designer 10 Stand Formulate Our Formulate range provides limitless branding opportunities. Our comprehensive range of Point of Sale and event stands are also complemented with hanging frames to prominently display brands and events in 3D. By its very nature printing on fabric allows you to explore new possibilities in terms of both graphics and shapes. Graphic designs can be reproduced using dye sublimation processes, on stretchy PDWHULDO WR DOORZ D FORVH ȴW WR DQ\ VKDSH HYHQ WKH PRVW XQH[SHFWHG ones! Installation is very simple and, because the displays are not very bulky, they are also very easy to transport. MODULAR // 9 Original and innovative shapes that take centre stage 7KLV VLPSOH DQG LQWXLWLYH SURGXFW LV HDV\ WR FRQVWUXFW LQ DQ\ HQYLURQPHQW )RUPXODWH VROXWLRQV DUH DYDLODEOH LQ PDQ\ FRQȴJXUDWLRQV LQFOXGLQJ WRWHP SROHV WKUHH WR QLQH PHWHU ZLGH LPDJH ZDOOV FROXPQV DQG DUFKHV DQG WKH\ FDQ DOVR EH PDGH WR PHDVXUH The main purpose of Formulate is to give you a design solution that works where traditional wooden or DOXPLQLXP DQJXODU VWUXFWXUHV KDYH OLPLWDWLRQV 7KH DOXPLQLXP WXEHV FDQ EH PRXOGHG DQG IROGHG WR VXLW \RXU QHHGV :LWK )RUPXODWH \RX FDQ OHW \RXU FUHDWLYLW\ UXQ ZLOG Formulate Assembly made simple Formulate structures are made from 30 and 50 mm diameter anodised DOXPLQLXP WXEHV Like a child's construction set, each section has a clear numbering system to IDFLOLWDWH HDV\ DVVHPEO\ ΖQ DGGLWLRQ WR SURYLGLQJ D VROLG VWUXFWXUH the various angled connectors of our Formulate system also allow you to FUHDWH PXOWLSOH FRQȴJXUDWLRQV XVLQJ GLHUHQW FRQQHFWRU W\SHV DQG WKH DQJOHV WKH\ SURYLGH H½°å¤Á ° Ç ðí©© rª òí ©© r©Ç½ tubing - depending on your structure 360° Visual // Custom designs Communications UHOHDVH \RXU FUHDWLYLW\ &XVWRP PDGH VROXWLRQV FDQ EH FUHDWHG WR VXLW \RXU VSHFLȴF QHHGV 7KH\ RHU H[FLWLQJ DQG innovative possibilities in terms of the shapes WKDW FDQ EH FUHDWHG DQG WKH IDEULF JUDSKLFV They are designed to deliver maximum return on investment by displaying your brand in the most ȵH[LEOH DQG DGDSWDEOH ZD\ IRU \RXU QHHGV Formulate is characterised by LWV IDEULF JUDSKLF ZLWK ]LS V\VWHP Therefore the display has no visible joins and is GRXEOH VLGHG RSWLPLVLQJ WKH LPSDFW RI WKH PHVVDJH Free-standing, with or without feet, depending on the curve of the frame Metal hooks for hanging structures Attach to an existing structure Simply slide the graphics over the frame to complete your product. MODULAR // 10 O©º¤ ©r½¢ª rª ~°ª ÁÜÁÇ© Formulate The use of numbered stickers makes assembling the various systems very easy to follow, like a child's construction set. // Assembling Formulate $VVHPEOLQJ WKH PP VHFWLRQV ÁÁ©}¤ Á~Ç°ªÁ ÖÇ push-buttons Connector for ðí©© ÇÌ}Á Lock together using Allen key $VVHPEOLQJ WKH PP VHFWLRQV Connector for òí©© ÇÌ}Á 'LHUHQW W\SHV RI FRQQHFWRUV IRU PP VHFWLRQV TC-30-90T 90° connector TC-30-S Straight connector TC-30-T T-connector TC-30-X 4-way cross connector Tip: $OO )RUPXODWH SURGXFWV FRPH ZLWK FRWWRQ JORYHV WR SURWHFW \RXU JUDSKLFV ZKHQ EHLQJ ȴWWHG WR WKH IUDPH MODULAR // 11 Nothing could be simpler to set up. For a 2D RU ' HHFW VLQJOH RU GRXEOH VLGHG SULQWLQJ Formulate tension banners communicate on a large scale and adapt to all environments. Formulate Tension banners Formulate - Tubular aluminium structure Ø30mm - Straight or curved sections - Fabric graphic with zip system - Customisable with double-sided print - Easy installation without tools with coding system - Ability to accessorise - Carry bag included Coding system Stabilising feet Ø30mm aluminium tubing ÌÁÇ°©Ár}¤ MS Banner Straight Model Code (h) x (w) x (d) mm Straight 1000mm FMLT-BS-10 Straight 1200mm FMLT-BS-12 Straight 1500mm FMLT-BS-15 2337 x 990 x 450 mm 2337 x 1270 x 450 mm 2337 x 1570 x 450 mm Light and stable MS Banner Curved Model Code (h) x (w) x (d) mm Curved 900mm FMLT-BC-10 2356 x 920 x 609 mm Curved 1200mm FMLT-BC-12 2356 x 1200 x 609 mm Curved 1500mm FMLT-BC-15 2356 x 1500 x 609 mm MODULAR // 12 Simplicity, stability and originality perfectly describe Formulate Backwalls. Available in a variety of sizes and shapes, with enhanced branding communication opportunities from vibrant printed graphics. Formulate Backwalls Formulate - Tubular aluminium structure Ø30mm or Ø50 mm according to the format - $YDLODEOH LQ GLHUHQW VKDSHV - Fabric graphic with zip system - Customisable with double-sided print - Simple installation with coding system - Ability to accessorise Formulate Straight Model Code (h) x (w) x (d) mm 2400mm FORM-STR-24 3000mm FORM-STR-30 6000mm FORM-STR-60 2380 x 2350 x 400 mm 2380 x 2950 x 400 mm 2380 x 5950 x 400 mm Formulate Vertical Curve Formulate Horizontal Curve Model Code (h) x (w) x (d) mm Model Code (h) x (w) x (d) mm 2400mm FORM-CUR-24 3000mm FORM-CUR-30 6000mm FORM-CUR-60 2340 x 2350 x 500 mm 2340 x 2950 x 500 mm 2340 x 5950 x 600 mm Vertical Curve FMLT-USS-01 2280 x 3048 x 583 mm Can be accessorised with spot lights 8QLYHUVDO ȴWWLQJ kit required (US901-C) Double-sided graphic Easy matching system Tubes are connected by bungee cord MODULAR // 13 MS6 Vertical Curved Formulate Model Code (h) x (w) x (d) mm Vertical Curved FMLT-WV60-01 2336 x 5891 x 609 mm Add spotlights for greater ÁÇrª ¤¤Ì©ªrÇ°ª LED-FLOOD-ARM-BDLK MS6 Horizontal Curved Model Code (h) x (w) x (d) mm Horizontal Curved FMLT-WH60-01 2336 x 5756 x 975 mm Stabilising feet regularly placed for increased stability MS6 Straight Model Code (h) x (w) x (d) mm Straight FMLT-WS60-01 2336 x 5838 x 450 mm ¤ÇÖÇ òí©© r©Ç½ ÇÌ}Á MS6 Serpentine Curved Model Code (h) x (w) x (d) mm Serpentine FMLT-WSC60-01 2337 x 5740 x 824 mm MODULAR // 14 Ideal for partitioning large spaces DS9 Designer 01 Formulate Model Code (h) x (w) x (d) mm Straight 9m FMLT-DS-90-01 2336 x 8890 x 650 mm DS9 Designer 03 Model Code (h) x (w) x (d) mm Horizontal Curved 9m FMLT-DS-90-03 2336 x 8890 x 910 mm Large self-supporting backwall Elegant shape DS9 Designer 06 Model Code (h) x (w) x (d) mm Serpentine 9m FMLT-DS-90-06 2336 x 9000 x 830 mm MODULAR // 15 Formulate Stands Formulate Formulate stands are structures of original and modern shapes. Their unique style creates great branding communication. Manufacturing Formulate tubular structures requires comprehensive production techniques; cutting, welding, and bending for example. Formulate printed IDEULF JUDSKLFV RHU PDQ\ XQLTXH SRVVLELOLWLHV IRU branding and personalisation. DS3 Designer 03 - Tubular aluminium structure Ø30mm or Ø50 mm diameter - Fabric graphic with zip system - Customisable with double-sided print - Simple installation with coding system Model Code (h) x (w) x (d) mm Stand DS3 03 FMLT-DS-30-03 2498 x 3100 x 565 mm DS3 Designer 01 Broadcast your ©ÁÁr ÖÇ optional extra screen * ©°ÌªÇ Model Code (h) x (w) x (d) mm Stand DS3 01* FMLT-DS-30-01 2472 x 2936 x 1129 mm * Screen not included '¤¤Ì©ªrÇ Ü°Ì½ }½rª ÖÇ optional extra LED spotlights LED-FLOOD-ARM-BDLK DS3 Designer 02 Three walls can create one versatile large backwall Model Code (h) x (w) x (d) mm Stand DS3 02 FMLT-DS-30-02 2463 x 3206 x 848 mm MODULAR // 16 Formulate DS3 Designer 10 Model Code (h) x (w) x (d) mm Stand DS3 10* FMLT-DS-30-10 2510 x 2910 x 472 mm * Screen not included Add backwalls to draw attention to your screen * ! DS3 Designer 07 Model Code (h) x (w) x (d) mm Stand DS3 07* FMLT-DS-30-07 2499 x 2797 x 495 mm * Screen not included Concave and convex shapes perfect together DS3 Designer 05 Model Code (h) x (w) x (d) mm Stand DS3 05 FMLT-DS-30-05 2490 x 3440 x 540 mm MODULAR // 17 ½r© ܰ̽ ÁÇrª rª r }½rª ~°©©Ìª~rÇ°ª ÖÇ º½ªÇ º½°å¤ r½~Á Formulate DS6 Designer 07 * Screen not included Model Code (h) x (w) x (d) mm Stand DS6 07* FMLT-DS-60-07 2443 x 5614 x 508 mm DS6 Designer 03 * Screen not included Model Code (h) x (w) x (d) mm Stand DS6 03* FMLT-DS-60-03 2532 x 5838 x 1000 mm DS6 Designer 08 * Screen not included Model Code (h) x (w) x (d) mm Stand DS6 08* FMLT-DS-60-08 2405 x 6070 x 450 mm Expandable backwall ½°© ǽ Áºr½rÇ structures DS9 Designer 05 Model Code (h) x (w) x (d) mm Stand DS9 05 FMLT-DS-90-05 2494 x 8627 x 472 mm Use the optional extra universal mounting system US901-C and add LED spotlights to your Formulate structures MODULAR // 18 Formulate Columns Formulate Formulate columns are impressive towers that are easy to arrange and decorate interior spaces. Available in several heights, these columns are ideal for highlighting a message. Used as a signalling point, as a signboard or for decorating, Formulate columns can easily be placed on a stand or in an exhibition hall. The printed fabric graphic makes it possible to add branding and communicate your message on all four sides of the structure. - Tubular aluminium structure Ø30mm - Fabric graphic with zip system - Customisable on all four sides with print - Light and stable at the same time. - Simple assembly without tools using just the coding system AS Tower S Model Code (h) x (w) x (d) mm Tower S FMLT-COL25 2500 x 1000 x 1000 mm 7r¢ ܰ̽ ©ÁÁr ̺ Ç° ðĈò © ą AS Tower L AS Tower M Model Code Model Code (h) x (w) x (d) mm (h) x (w) x (d) mm Tower L FMLT-COL35 3500 x 1000 x 1000 mm Tower M FMLT-COL30 3000 x 1000 x 1000 mm MODULAR // 19 Creating private reception areas or arranging meeting areas at a trade show or event is now possible thanks to the Formulate Conference Walls. 3HUIHFW ȴW SULQWHG IDEULF JUDSKLFV KLJKOLJKW the original shapes of these structures. Formulate Meeting Areas Formulate Fast and easy assembly - Tubular aluminium structure Ø30mm or Ø50 mm according to the format - Fabric graphic with zip system - Customisable with double-sided print - Simple installation with coding system Large visual branding and ~°©©Ìª~rÇ°ª area !Ìr½rªÇ ©ºr~Ç rª ©rÛ©Ì© visibility Double-sided for ©rÛ©Áª ܰ̽ ©ÁÁr $6 &KLS :DOO $6 6KDSHG :DOO Model Code Model Code (h) x (w) x (d) mm (h) x (w) x (d) mm Chip Wall FMLT-CC-01 1915 x 2823 x 2099 mm Shaped Wall FMLT-CW-01 2137 x 2283 x 1522 mm MODULAR // 20 Formulate arches are a great way to stand out. Their original and innovative shapes make WKHP LGHQWLȴDEOH HYHQ IURP D GLVWDQFH DQG FDQ easily attract the attention of passers-by. Formulate arches perfectly combine the possibilities of tubular structures and the printed fabric graphics. They can optimise a space in an aesthetic way and create a visual HHFW WKDW SOXQJHV WKH YLVLWRU LQWR WKH XQLYHUVH of the advertiser. Formulate Arches Self-supporting structure Formulate - Tubular aluminium structure Ø50mm - Fabric graphic with zip system - Customisable with double-sided print Ø50mm aluminium tubing Fast and easy assembly AS Arch 03 7rÛ©Á ~°©©Ìª~rÇ°ª possibilities with two optional Ûǽr Á~½ªÁ ©°ÌªÇÁ Model Code (h) x (w) x (d) mm Arch 03* FMLT-ARCH40-03 3456 x 5839 x 2454 mm AS Arch 01 Model Code (h) x (w) x (d) mm Arch 01* FMLT-ARCH40-01 2427 x 3475 x 2337 mm * Screen not included MODULAR // 21 Formulate hanging structures have been specially designed for simple and safe installation. The lightweight aluminium tubular structures make them ideal for dressing up an exhibition stand, shopping mall or indoor venue. The printed fabric graphic ensures optimum visibility. Formulate Hanging Structures Formulate - Tubular tubular structure made of aluminium 30mm or 50mm diameter - Fabric graphic with zip system - Customisable with double-sided print - Simple installation with coding system Tubular structure in anodised aluminium, strong yet lightweight The mounting and coding system makes assembly of hanging structures fast and simple Each structure has metal hooks attached Circle Hanging Structure Model Code (h) x (dia) mm Circle 1.5m diameter Circle 3m diameter Circle 3m diameter Circle 4.6m diameter Circle 6m diameter FMHS-RIN-01 FMHS-RIN-02 FMHS-RIN-03 FMHS-RIN-04 FMHS-RIN-05 762 x 1524 mm 610 x 3048 mm 914 x 3048 mm 1524 x 4572 mm 1219 x 6096 mm 3ULQW ȴQLVKLQJ SRVVLELOLWLHV Fabric graphics are printed by dye-sublimation, which ensures a KLJK TXDOLW\ ȴQLVK DQG DPD]LQJ FRORXUV MODULAR // 22 Formulate Rectangle Hanging Structure MS Panel Model Code (h) x (w) x (d) mm Model Code (h) x (w) x (d) mm Rectangle FMHS-REC-01 1219 x 3658 x 2438 mm Panel 250 Panel 350 Panel 500 FMH-FLT-M100 FMH-FLT-L100 FMH-FLT-XL120 1000 x 2500 x 30 mm 1000 x 3500 x 50 mm 1200 x 5000 x 50 mm Double-sided graphcis 06 6 &XUYH Model Code (h) x (w) x (d) mm Curve 350 Curve 500 FMH-SSB-L100 FMH-SSB-XL120 1000 x 3500 x 30 mm 1200 x 5000 x 50 mm Also available ª ~ÌÁÇ°© ÁáÁ 6TXDUH +DQJLQJ 6WUXFWXUH 06 5RXQGHG 6TXDUH Model Code (h) x (w) x (d) mm Model Code (h) x (w) x (d) mm Square 2.4m FMHS-SQU-01 Square 3m FMHS-SQU-02 1067 x 2438 x 2438 mm 1219 x 3048 x 3048 mm Rounded Square 250 FMH-RSQ-M100 Rounded Square 350 FMH-RSQ-L100 Rounded Square 500 FMH-RSQ-XL120 1000 x 2500 x 2500 mm 1000 x 3500 x 3500 mm 1200 x 5000 x 5000 mm MODULAR // 23 Branding on three sides! Formulate MS Pinwheel Model Code (h) x (w) x (d) mm Pinwheel 250 FMH-PIN-M100 1000 x 2500 x 2500 mm Pinwheel 350 FMH-PIN-L100 1000 x 3500 x 3500 mm Eye Hanging Structure Model Code (h) x (w) x (d) mm Eye 3m FMHS-EYE-02 Eye 3.7m FMHS-EYE-03 1219 x 3048 x 838mm 1524 x 3658 x 991mm Brand the inside as well as the outside Also available ª ~ÌÁÇ°© ÁáÁ MS Hexagon Model Code (h) x (w) x (d) mm Hexagon 350 Hexagon 500 FMH-HEX-L100 FMH-HEX-XL120 1000 x 3500 x 3500 mm 1200 x 5000 x 5000 mm MODULAR // 24 DS Tiered Ring Formulate Model Code (h) x (w) x (d) mm Tiered Ring 100 FMH-TRNG-L100 300 x 1500 x 1500 mm 300 x 2500 x 2500 mm 300 x 3500 x 3500 mm Tiered Ring 120 FMH-TRNG-XL120 300 x 3000 x 3000 mm 300 x 4000 x 4000 mm 300 x 5000 x 5000 mm Personalise the interior as well as the exterior 7rÛ©Á }½rªª rª ~°©©Ìª~rÇ°ª º°ÇªÇr¤ ÖÇ rª ©º½ÁÁÕ rªª ÁǽÌ~Ç̽ ÇrÇ Ö¤¤ ~°©©rª Ç ÕÖ wherever displayed '6 7LHUHG 6TXDUH Each sign has metal hooks attached to the structure. Model Code (h) x (w) x (d) mm Tiered Square 100 FMH-TSQU-L100 300 x 1500 x 1500 mm 300 x 2500 x 2500 mm 300 x 3500 x 3500 mm Tiered Square 120 FMH-TSQU-XL120 300 x 3000 x 3000 mm 300 x 4000 x 4000 mm 300 x 5000 x 5000 mm MODULAR // 25 Improving the functionality of Formulate structures and optimising the stand VSDFH LV SRVVLEOH WKDQNV WR WKH GLHUHQW Formulate Accents elements. Accents are made to complement Formulate structures and give more impact and visibility to brand messages. Formulate Accents Add the individual Accents ¤©ªÇÁ Ç° ~½rÇ Ü°Ì½ °Öª ~°ªå̽rÇ°ª Formulate Multiple layouts! - Tubular aluminium structure Ø30mm - Fabric graphic with zip system - Customisable with double-sided print - Simple installation with coding system $FFHQW 5RXQG +DOI :DOO Model Code (h) x (w) x (d) mm Round Half Wall FMLT-WBWA-04-C 900 x 1000 x 2500 mm ½~Ç ~ÌÁÇ°©½Á to stands and still º½Á½Õ Ç ©ºr~Ç ° backwall branding with a half wall Accent 05 Rounded Arch Model Code (h) x (w) x (d) mm Rounded Arch FMLT-WBWA-05 2500 x 1200 x 2400 mm $FFHQW +DOI :DOO Model Code (h) x (w) x (d) mm Half Wall FMLT-WBWA-04-S 900 x 1500 x 2500 mm MODULAR // 26 Enhance branding Formulate Accent 17 Advanced Trapeze Accent 06 Arch with Curved Roof Model Code Model Code (h) x (w) x (d) mm (h) x (w) x (d) mm Advanced Trapeze FMLT-WL17 2516 x 1700 x 154,6 mm Arch with Curved Roof FMLT-WBWA-06 2800 x 1200 x 2400 mm Accent 14 Large Advance Accent 15 Small Advance Model Code Model Code (h) x (w) x (d) mm (h) x (w) x (d) mm Large Advanced FMLT-WL14 2438 x 1219 x 494 mm Small Advanced FMLT-WL15 2453 x 450 x 494 mm MODULAR // 27 Formulate &XVWRP PDGH FUHDWLRQV RHU LQFUHGLEOH possibilities in terms of graphic shapes and visual HHFW 7KH\ RSWLPLVH UHWXUQ RQ LQYHVWPHQW E\ maximising brand communication in a more VXLWHG VKDSH DQG IRUPDW &XVWRP PDGH The best way to stand out The use of larger formats is a great way to draw DWWHQWLRQ WR D VWDQG 7KH TXDOLW\ RI )RUPXODWH FDQ add to that impression and highlight the printed JUDSKLF DQG RYHUDOO GHVLJQ DV ZHOO DV WKH XQLTXH VKDSH RI WKH VWDQG Guarantee originality with uniquely shaped lightweight tubular structures and vibrant printed graphic fabrics MODULAR // 28 Original shapes that adapt to all environments The possibility of curving and cutting tubular structures, combined with the use of stretch fabric, creates custom made solutions for stands or items of furniture ZLWK LQȴQLWH SRVVLELOLWLHV Formulate Even twisted structures are possible Create added perspective with ©Ì¤Çº¤Ęrª¤ structures 7KH SRVVLELOLWLHV RHUHG E\ )RUPXODWH VWUXFWXUHV DUH XQLTXH They enhance the message of brands thanks to the use of ODUJH IRUPDW YLVXDOV WKDW SHUIHFWO\ match the contours of structures with ergonomic and innovative VKDSHV :KDW FDQ ZH FUHDWH IRU \RX" MODULAR // 29 cÇ r Áª¤ ~¤r©º rÇÇr~©ªÇă Ü°Ì ~rª r r ©Ì¤ÇÇÌ ° r~~ÁÁ°½Á Ç° ܰ̽ °½©Ì¤rÇ structures Making Formulate structures more DWWUDFWLYH DQG PXOWL IXQFWLRQDO LV HDV\ with various accessories such as VFUHHQV VKHOYHV OLWHUDWXUH KROGHUV A new accessory system has been designed to give you the freedom to add and change items whenever you QHHG WKHP Accessories Formulate Universal Accessory Clamp Model Code Clamp 30mm FMLT158 Literature Holders Model Code (h) x (w) x (d) mm Literature Holder Support Literature Holder DL Literature Holder A5 Literature Holder A4 FX839 AH5DLP Format DL (11x22cm) AH5A5P Format A5 AH5A4P Format A4 iPad Holder Model Code (h) x (w) x (d) mm iPad/Screen Support FX837 IPad Holder White IPAD-CHU-W 305 x 70 x 40 mm IPAD-CHU-S 305 x 70 x 40 mm IPAD-CHU-B 305 x 70 x 40 mm IPad Holder Silver IPad Holder Black Great stability iPad Holders is compatible with all iPads except iPad mini and Pro. iPad not included and not available to purchase * Screen not included Shelves Model Code (h) x (w) x (d) mm Shelving Support FX838 Round shelf Triangle shelf Square shelf LN133-R 12 x 240 x 227 mm LN133-T LN133-S 12 x 254 x 246 mm 12 x 220 x 220 mm Screen Stand Shelving available in four colors: Model Code (h) x (w) x (d) mm Screen stand LN136 1800 x 901 x 859 mm Quickly identify your structure using the card holder Large Carry Bag Carry Bag Model Code Model Code (h) x (w) x (d) mm (h) x (w) x (d) mm Large Carry Bag WF-BG-S 470 x 1700 x 400 mm Carry Bag TUBE-BAG 300 x 1370 x 150 mm MODULAR // 30 2 1 Vector 1. Vector Quick Fix 2. Vector 75mm LED Vector The Vector aluminium frame system with stretched canvas display adapts perfectly to changing needs, tastes and projects, PDNLQJ LW WKH VLPSOHVW DQG PRVW ȵH[LEOH system on the market. MODULAR // 31 'ªÇÌÇÕ Ç½r~¢ª ÁÜÁÇ© on each section Vector Vector – The art of communicating $V D GLVSOD\ ZDOO IUHH VWDQGLQJ GLVSOD\ RU EDFNOLW VROXWLRQ WKH ZLGH VHOHFWLRQ RI ZLGWKV RHUHG E\ WKH 9HFWRU DOXPLQLXP IUDPHV SURYLGHV D UDQJH RI VROXWLRQV IRU HYHU\ UHTXLUHPHQW DQG HYHU\ EXGJHW // Anodised aluminium SURȴOHV Quick Fix 20 mm 30 mm 50 mm - Fabric 50 mm - Rigid Our Vector range has eight styles of aluminium frame which are perfectly VXLWHG IRU D ZLGH UDQJH RI DSSOLFDWLRQV Our summary table will help you choose WKH ULJKW RQH IRU \RX 75 mm LED 100 mm LED 125 mm LED 150 mm LED LED Illumination Code VECTOR Wall Mounted Free-standing Unlit Double-sided Economy Premium 9:4) &86720 20 mm x x x 9/% &86720 30mm x x x 9.) &86720 50mm x x x x x 9/% &86720 * 75mm LED x x x x 9/% &86720 * 100mm LED x x x x x 9/% &86720 * 125mm LED x x x x x 9/% &86720 150mm LED x x x x x * Available in standard modules for stand application MODULAR // 32 // Assembling Vector 7ZR GLHUHQW W\SHV RI FRQQHFWRUV GHSHQGLQJ RQ WKH SURȴOH 7KH SXVK EXWWRQ FRQQHFWRU RHUV D IDVWHU PRXQWLQJ IRU WKH PP SURȴOHV )RU RWKHU SURȴOHV WKH VFUHZ ȴ[LQJ EUDFNHW SURYLGHV DQ HFRQRPLFDO VROXWLRQ B A Square LN298 Square LN297 Square VLF-01 Square LN156 Square LN164 Straight Connector IB2 Corner connector CB9 Vector Connector LN296 Connector LN295 Connector VLF-02 ConnectorLN157 Connector LN163 7°ÌªÇª r Õ~Ç°½ ½r© òí©© (DV\ DVVHPEO\ RI SURȴOHV and frames rÁÜ rÁÁ©}¤Ü ÖÇ ~° ÁÜÁÇ© °ª each section Lock with Allen key The Vector range is characterised by its simplicity of assembly, a single multi WRRO $OOHQ NH\ LV VXɝFLHQW WR DVVHPEOH WKH GLHUHQW IUDPHV ÁÁ©}¤ª ½r©Á together to create new structures r~ º½°å¤ ~rª } ~ÌÇ ªÇ° Á©r¤¤½ Á~Ç°ªÁ Ç° facilitate its transport // Strengthening crossbeams and tubes Depending on the format and environment in which your display is to be installed, its structure may need VWUHQJWKHQLQJ $V D PLQLPXP ZH UHFRPPHQG WKH XVH RI UHLQIRUFLQJ WXEHV IRU EDFNOLW DVVHPEOLHV Beam 45 mm 30 mm tube for LED frame Perfect tensioned graphics The textile graphics have a silicone gasket that makes their installation VLPSOH DQG IDVW %HJLQ E\ LQVHUWLQJ + = the SEG at each corner and position the display from the FHQWUH WR WKH FRUQHUV Vector Textile graphic with SEG MODULAR // 33 PP 4XLFN )L[ 3URȴOH The Vector Quick Fix is the latest innovation in an extra-thin DOXPLQLXP SURȴOH IRU VWUHWFK IDEULF JUDSKLFV Thanks to it’s versatile design this is a must for in-store communication and retail environments. Vector Assemble angled sections with screw- in bracket 20mm Aluminium SURȴOH Optional shell scheme mounting bracket LN134 PP 4XLFN )L[ 3URȴOH - 2QH SURȴOH WZR DSSOLFDWLRQV ZDOO IUDPHV RU VKHOO scheme cladding - Elegant and discreet thanks to its bevelled shape and its thickness of 20mm - 5HDU SURȴOH IRU GLUHFW PRXQWLQJ WR ZDOOV - The assembly of the frame and the installation of the graphics are accessible to all Ideal for decoration Model Code (h) x (w) x (d) mm 20 mm Vector VWQF-CUSTOM Custom-made Sleek r¤Ì©ªÌ© ½r© A practical and ~°ª°©~r¤ ÖrÜ Ç° decorate your stands - Anodised aluminium 6063 T6 - Dimensions : 20 x 27 mm - Weight per ml: 0.317 kg - Strengtheners required for wall application - Simple assembly - Textile SEG graphic Technical information MODULAR // 34 PP 3URȴOH Attract attention with our new 30mm wall system. The concealed frame creates amazing visual impact for brand communication. Vector Assemble angled sections with screw-in bracket 30mm Aluminium SURȴOH PP 3URȴOH - Wall mounted textile frame - 5HDU SURȴOH IRU ȴ[LQJ GLUHFWO\ WR ZDOOV - Ideal for small format b½Ü Á©r¤¤ footprint Model Code (h) x (w) x (d) mm 30 mm Vector VLB30-CUSTOM Custom-made Ideal for interior decoration - Anodised aluminium 6063 T6 - Dimensions : 30 x 27 mm - Weight per ml: 0.362kg - Simple assembly - Textile SEG graphic Technical information An ideal solution for interior decoration or store signage MODULAR // 35 Print & Finishing Dye-sub, UV, latex and screen printing services We understand that when planning an event or exhibition your time is precious with potentially multiple suppliers to manage. With our single source supply solution, leading industry expertise and incredible customer service, why not trust us to deliver both your product and printing requirements as a complete solution. Our state of the art printing capabilities and expert VHZLQJ DQG ȴQLVKLQJ WHDPV FDQ VDYH \RX WLPH DOORZLQJ \RX WR FRQFHQWUDWH RQ WKH ȴQHU GHWDLOV – growing your business. Laser cutting ([SHUW ȴQLVKLQJ Dye-sub, UV, latex and screen printing services all available in-house Saving you time to grow your business MODULAR // 36 Easy to Accessorise! 50mm 3URȴOH From free-standing image walls to exhibition VWDQGV 9HFWRU VROXWLRQV RHU \RX YHUVDWLOH designs that can be adapted to any type of environment. :LWK WZR GLHUHQW SURȴOHV LQGLYLGXDOO\ VXLWHG WR WH[WLOH JUDSKLFV RU D ULJLG LQȴOO Vector Add stabilising feet for free-standing use PP 3URȴOH Assembly of angled sections with push-button 50mm Aluminium SURȴOH 6FUHZ GLHUHQW frames together - Quick assembly and disassembly - Double sided graphics available - 0XOWLSOH SURȴOH RSWLRQV WR FUHDWH D VHDPOHVV ORRN - Can be used as double-sided free-standing or wall-mounted - Available in standard and custom-made modules - Full graphic option, rounded corners Model Code (h) x (w) x (d) mm Corner rounded to 90°. Available in 50 or 100mm 90° angle for Full Graphic Rounded corner for full graphic design 50 mm Vector VKF-CUSTOM Custom-made - Anodised aluminium 6063 T4 - Dimensions : 50 x 45 mm - Weight per ml: 0.812kg - 'RXEOH VLGHG SURȴOH - Push-button connector assembly - 7H[WLOH 6(* RU ULJLG LQȴOOV Technical information Textile Specially designed exhibition solution! Rigid MODULAR // 37 75mm LED 3URȴOH Stand out with innovative and bright designs! Assemble angled sections with screw-in bracket Cabling system LED 360mm Vector PP /(' 3URȴOH - Single-sided wall-mounted - LED linkable lighting system for consistent lighting across the graphic. - Fix it directly to the wall for a large format wall decoration - Two channels for inserting two visuals; create optical HHFWV E\ OD\HULQJ JUDSKLFV - Available in standard and custom formats to suit any environment Model Code (h) x (w) x (d) mm 75 mm Vector VLB75-CUSTOM Custom-made Ideal for retail, banks, arenas, as pedestrian signage... - Anodised aluminium 6063 T6 - Dimensions : 75 x 45 mm - Weight per ml: 1,143 kg - Assembly by screw brackets - 2SWLRQDO UHDU UHFHVV IRU ULJLG LQȴOOV - SEG textile graphic Technical information MODULAR // 38 Use both sides! 100mm LED 3URȴOH Economical light boxes, ideal for small series projects. Assemble angled sections with screw-in bracket Cabling system LED 360mm Vector PP /(' 3URȴOH - Free-standing, double-sided light frame - LED linkable lighting system for consistent lighting across the graphic - Economical solution, ideal for small format frames - Available in standard and custom formats Model Code (h) x (w) x (d) mm 100 mm Vector VLB100-CUSTOM Custom-made LED linkable ¤Çª ÁÜÁÇ© ÖÇ Ç½rªÁ°½©½ ïñb Add stabilising feet for free-standing use ¤rÇ Ç hïöò Technical information - Anodised aluminium 6063 T6 - Dimensions : 100 x 18 mm - Weight per ml: 1,082kg - Double sided system - Assembly by screw-in bracket con- nectors - SEG textile graphic Point of sale, stands, hospitals, airports... MODULAR // 39 Use both sides! 125mm LED 3URȴOH Create a maximum visibility for your brand communication with our H[FOXVLYH GRXEOH SURȴOH Assemble angled sections with screw-in bracket Cabling system LED 360mm Vector PP /(' 3URȴOH - Free-standing, double-sided light frame - LED linkable lighting system for consistent lighting across the graphic - Double groove for inserting two graphics and creating an RSWLFDO HHFW - 9HU\ UREXVW SURȴOH LGHDO IRU ODUJH DQG YHU\ ODUJH IRUPDW - Available in standard and custom formats Model Code (h) x (w) x (d) mm 125 mm Vector VLB125-CUSTOM Custom-made LED linkable lighting ÁÜÁÇ© Adding stabilising feet for free-standing use Ideal for the shops, banks, cinemas, restaurants... - Anodised aluminium 6063 T6 - Dimensions : 125 x 20 mm - Weight per ml: 1,645 kg - 'XDO IDFH SURȴOH - Assembly by screw brackets - SEG textile graphic Technical information MODULAR // 40 Ideal for retail, reception areas, airports, service stations, galleries .... 150mm LED 3URȴOH Light boxes, economical and ideal for series projects. Assemble angled sections with screw-in bracket Cabling system LED 360mm Vector PP 3URȴOH - Free-standing, double-sided light frame - Economic solution - LED linkable lighting system for consistent lighting across the graphic - Also suitable for non-illuminated areas - Available in standard and custom formats Model Code (h) x (w) x (d) mm 150 mm Vector VLB150-CUSTOM Custom-made ¤rÇ Ç KÇr¤ hïöò Adding stabilising feet for free-standing use - Anodised aluminium 6063 T6 - Dimensions : 150 x 18 mm - Weight per ml: 1,542kg - 'RXEOH VLGHG SURȴOH - Assembly by screw brackets - SEG textile graphic Technical information 6KRS ȴWWLQJV WKHDWUHV receptions, car showrooms... MODULAR // 41 LED, a technology of the future /('V DUH FRQVLGHUHG E\ PDQ\ WR EH D IXWXUH WHFKQRORJ\ LQ WKH ȴHOG RI JHQHUDO OLJKWLQJ 7KH /(' PRGXOHV DUH LGHDOO\ VXLWHG IRU UHWDLO DQG H[KLELWLRQ HQYLURQPHQWV 7KH\ FUHDWH DQ HYHQ DQG FRQVLVWHQW LOOXPLQDWLRQ RI OLJKW ER[HV ZKLOVW UHPDLQLQJ FRRO 7KLV HFRQRPLFDO OLQNDEOH ORZ HQHUJ\ ORQJ OLIH VROXWLRQ LV WKH QXPEHU RQH FKRLFH IRU EDFN OLJKWLQJ Vector 24v Transformer for LED lighting Linkable LED lighting system - Transformer for linkable and backlit lighting - &RQQHFW XS WR ȴYH /(' VWULSHV LQ VHULHV - Sleek design - ΖQWHJUDO ȴ[LQJ SRUW IRU JXLGLQJ WKH WUDQVIRUPHU inside the frame - Cable system - Perfectly even lighting on large format frames without shadow - Compatible with our single and double-sided frame solutions - Wall and free-standing use - The most economical solution on the market - 6LPSOLȴHG FRQQHFWRUV IRU HDV\ OLQNLQJ Model Code Model Code 24V Transformer LED-RTL-01 LED-RTL-03 LED strip (pair) LED-RTL-05 Mains cable Technical information Technical information - Voltage : 24V - Power: max 75W - Input : AC 110/240V - Output : DC 24V - 6XSSOLHG ZLWK ȴ[LQJ NLW FDEOHV DQG cable grommet - &HUWLȴFDWLRQ &( 52+6 - Length of module: 360 mm - 3RZHU RI D PRGXOH LQFOXGLQJ ȴYH lenses: 13 W - 24 V voltage - /XPLQRXV ȵX[ OP /LJKW temperature: 6500 K - Round LED lens diameter 21mm, optimised thanks to its angle of beam of 13 x 39° - /LQN XS WR ȴYH /('V WR RQH transformer - Simple and quick assembly - Estimated life: 50 000 hrs - &HUWLȴFDWLRQ &( 52+6 - One year warranty MODULAR // 42 Vector Accessories Literature Holders Vector / Linear LN112-C - Format A4 :RRGHQ 6KHOI - Available colours: - Available in custom-made sizes LED Floodlight LED-FLOOD-ARM-BDLK Vector LED Strip Light LED-STRIP-ARM-BDLK 4XDUWHU 6LGH )RRW SLF1 - 220 x 220 x 5 mm +DOI 0RRQ )RRW SDLU SLF2P - 289 x 358 x 5 mm )ODW )RRW XQLW LN155 - Metal, for free-standing frame - 75 x 350 x 3 mm )ODW )RRW 5HWDLO XQLW FX295 - Metal, for free-standing frame - 550 x 180 x 5 mm LED Exhibition Light LED-EXHIB-ARM-BDLK °©}ª r¤¤ Ç advantages of Vector ½r©Á ÖÇ °ºÇ°ªr¤ Support for Screens /1 6FUHHQV ȱ FP /1 $ 6FUHHQV ȱ FP /1 6FUHHQV ȱ FP 3RVW RU EHDP ȴ[LQJ additional accessories to ~½rÇ Ü°Ì½ ~ÌÁÇ°©Ę©r display solution! Support iPad Design IPAD-SH-360 - 360° Rotating iPad Holder - Secure frame - 310 x 225 x 95 mm - Compatible with all iPads except iPad mini and Pro - Available colours: MODULAR // 43 Vector Modules Scalable solutions for your needs and budget )URP WKH IUHH VWDQGLQJ LPDJH ZDOO WR WKH H[KLELWLRQ VWDQG 9HFWRU 0RGXOHV RHU \RX YHUVDWLOH GHVLJQV WKDW FDQ EH DGDSWHG WR DQ\ W\SH RI HYHQW This gives you the freedom to redevelop your stand as many times as you want, thus guaranteeing an excellent return RQ LQYHVWPHQW P DQG GHOLYHUHG LQ FDUGERDUG ZLWK DVVHPEO\ LQVWUXFWLRQV 7KH\ DUH UHDG\ WR EH XVHG ZLWK WKH YLVXDO RI \RXU FKRLFH 7R HQVXUH WKH VKRUWHVW SRVVLEOH WLPH PRGXOHV DUH DYDLODEOH IURP VWRFN 2QFH \RXU HYHQW LV RYHU GHFLGH WR VWRUH \RXU ERRWK DW KRPH LQ D VPDOO ER[ [ [ PP RU UH XVH RQH RI WKH PRGXOHV WR GUHVV XS \RXU VKRZURRP (DFK PRGXOH LV PDQXIDFWXUHG ZLWK PP DOXPLQLXP SURȴOHV VXSSOLHG LQ VHFWLRQV RI Vector !° ½°© r ÁÇrª ð©ü Ç° r ÁÇrª îò©ü ª Ç }¤ª¢ ° rª Üą Module A Module B - Standard channel on four sides - 9HFWRU WR 9HFWRU ȴ[LQJV LQFOXGHG - Standard channel on four sides - 9HFWRU WR 9HFWRU ȴ[LQJV LQFOXGHG Model Code (h) x (w) mm Model Code (h) x (w) mm 3m Module MODULE-VFF-A 2500 x 2950 mm 2m Module MODULE-VFF-B 2500 x 1950 mm Module C Module D - Standard channel on four sides - 9HFWRU WR 9HFWRU ȴ[LQJV LQFOXGHG - Modular arch - 7ZR MXQFWLRQ SURȴOHV PP LQFOXGHG - Beam Attachment Included - Flat Feet (LN155) included - 'RXEOH VLGHG SURȴOH - Possibility of adding recessed spotlights and a screen holder Model Code (h) x (w) mm 1m Module MODULE-VFF-C 2500 x 950 mm Model Code (h) x (w) x (d) mm Arch MODULE-VFF-D Roof: 2500 x 950 mm Inside : 2500 x 950 mm Outside: 2550 x 950 x 2600 m MODULAR // 44 Ideal for creating return ~°ªå̽rÇ°ªÁ Module E Module F - Post in two parts of 1250 mm - Door with threshold bar - Lock with keys Model Code (h) x (w) mm Model Code (h) x (w) mm MODULE-VFF-E 2500 x 50 mm Door MODULE-VFF-F Pediment: 545 x 950 mm Door: 1940 x 942 mm Square Beam Used to connect two ½r©Á rÇ ½Ç rª¤Á Full graphic surround Module G Module H - Corner storage with lockable door - Two visible faces - Standard channel on four sides - Create a taller storage area with the addition of module K - Vector and Vector Beam Attachments Included - Full graphic arch - Double-sided dressing - Possibility of adding recessed spotlights under the overhanging canopy - Ability to add a TV stand on the front panel - Flat Feet (LN155) included Vector Model Code (h) x (w) x (d) mm Model Code (h) x (w) x (d) mm Return MODULE-VFF-G 2500 x 950 x 950 mm Inside: 545 x 950 mm Door: 1940 x 942 mm Rounded Arch MODULE-VFF-H 2550 x 950 x 2600 mm 0RGXOH Ζ Module J - LED frame 100mm double face - Including stabiliser feet - Four LED strips and one transformer included - 7ZR MXQFWLRQ SURȴOHV PP LQFOXGHG - Flat Feet (FX295) included - Single-sided 75mm LED frame - Four LED strips and one transformer included - Vector and Vector Beam Attachments Included Model Code (h) x (w) mm Model Code (h) x (w) mm LED Module MODULE-VFF-J 2500 x 950 mm Advanced LED Arch MODULE-VFF-I 2550 x 950 mm Ideal for creating an LED arch by ~°©}ªª Ç ÖÇ r ©°Ì¤ Module K - ([WHQGV IXOO JUDSKLF WR ȴW RQ D VTXDUH return (module G) - Fixings included Model Code (h) x (w) x (d) mm Return Upgrade MODULE-VFF-J 1000 x 1050 x 1050 mm °Ì½ ~ÌÁÇ°©Ár}¤ r~Á Tips & Tricks + Accessorise your modules with literarture holders, shelves or screen mounts + Use our modular briefs to better guide your customer MODULAR // 45 *LYH \RXU GLVSOD\ DQ $FFHQW DQG VWDQG RXW The curves of Formulate combined with the Vector range FUHDWH DQ RULJLQDO DQG LQQRYDWLYH GLVSOD\ VROXWLRQ $ PXOWLWXGH RI FXVWRP PDGH FRQȴJXUDWLRQV LV SRVVLEOH ZH RHU VWDQGDUG VKDSHV DQG VL]HV WKDW DUH VLPSOH WR LQFRUSRUDWH ZLWK RXU 9HFWRU PRGXOHV (DFK $FFHQW LV UHDG\ WR XVH DQG LQFOXGHV WKH QHFHVVDU\ HOHPHQWV WR DGDSW LW WR D PRGXOH LQ WKH 9HFWRU UDQJH &KRRVH IURP RQH RI VL[ $FFHQW )RUPXODWHV WR JLYH GHSWK WR \RXU IUHH VWDQGLQJ SURMHFWV RU PRGXODU VWDQGV Accent Hybrids Vector Attached to frames by lock and Allen key Fixing by metal or plastic clamp system Graphic fabric with zip system Vector - Tubular aluminium structure diameter 30mm - Mounting on Vector frame by locks or clips - Fabric graphic with zip system - Double-sided customisation - Numbered parts - Simple to build Accent 18 Half Cap Accent 16 Cap Model Code (h) x (w) x (d) mm Model Code (h) x (w) x (d) mm Half cap FMLT-WL18-V 2660 x 1990 x 500 mm Cap FMLT-WL16-V 2660 x 1990 x 500 mm Brand up both sides *Vector wall not included *Vector wall not included Ideal for dressing up walls MODULAR // 46
Made with FlippingBook flipbook maker