Millington Primary School Prospectus
Animated publication
Learning Together for a Better Tomorrow
Welcome to Millington Primary School, it is our pleasure to present to you our school prospectus. The aim of this prospectus is to give you an insight into what makes Millington a fantastic school. Confidence in a school comes from knowing and understanding what is happening within it. If this is your first child to join us at Millington, we welcome you as parents and look forward to a happy and successful partnership over the coming We hope you will extend your knowledge through contact with
myself and our members of staff and engage with the many school activities throughout the school year. Please get in touch if you have any questions or would like to arrange a visit. Contact details are on the back of this prospectus. The information in this booklet is correct at the time of publication. However, it cannot be assumed that changes will not occur in school. Should you make the decision to enrol your child at Millington Primary School, we look forward to welcoming you and your child and sharing in his/her development in the years ahead. H. E. Murray H. E. Murray Principal
years. To those of you who already have children here, we are delighted to continue our links. The school is very much a family school which has served the community for many years. Our school aims to provide a caring, stimulating and safe learning environment for children of all abilities and to help them become independent and responsible. This can only be achieved by a close working vpartnership between school and parents and there will be many opportunities for you to share and assist in your child’s learning journey.
Learning Together for a Better Tomorrow
Millington Primary School is a co-education, non-denomination primary school for children between the ages of four and eleven years. We are the largest primary school in Portadown catering at present for 640 pupils of compulsory school age. Millington Primary school has an excellent reputation and offers all our pupils an experience that reflects our school mission statement ‘Learning together for a better tomorrow.’
Our Vision Millington Primary School will endeavour to provide a safe, inclusive and nurturing learning environment, where every pupil is valued and supported to reach their full potential, within a caring Christian ethos. Our Vision Millington Primary School will endeavour to provide a safe, inclusive and nurturing learning environment, where every pupil is valued and supported to reach their full potential, within a caring Christian ethos.
Reflecting some of these aims, the school has been awarded
Accelerated Reader Master School status, a Primary Science Quality Mark and a Sustrans NI Silver School Award. We have also invested in digital programmes such as Mathletics and Timetable Rockstars
Designed to Inspire
Visitors to Millington Primary School are immediately struck by the delightful location of the school, its huge grounds, the imaginative, contemporary design of the building and its colourful, cheerful ambience. In 2016 the school underwent an extensive modernisation programme which provided new classrooms, resource areas and library. The school now boasts a fabulous, modern and bright learning environment, resourced for a 21st century education. Classrooms are high quality and exude the atmosphere of purposeful study in a busy, creative environment – a place to be inspired. Our facilities include:
• Large grounds that feature play areas, a trim trail, all weather pitch, a nature area and a vegetable garden • Well-furnished classrooms that comfortably accommodate our modest class sizes and are all equipped with interactive whiteboards • Excellent ICT provision with a computer suite and latest generation software, laptops and iPads for classroom use • Our school library has over 6,000 books. We are an accredited Master School for Accelerated Reading. This is a wonderful programme which develops a high standard of reading.
• A large hall, equipped to serve as a gym for indoor physical activity and as a venue for various performing arts events • Inclusive facilities to allow those with impaired mobility to access all areas of the curriculum • Cranrua, a multipurpose building which is available for school and community use. Its extra kitchen facilities enable cookery clubs to be offered as an extra-curricular activity.
Making Time to Learn and Play
Stages of the Primary Curriculum
The Foundation Stage Primary 1 and 2 Key Stage 1 Primary 3 and 4 Key Stage 2 Primary 5, 6 and 7
Visitors to Millington Primary school are always immediately struck by the delightful location of the school, its huge grounds, the imaginative, contemporary design of the building and its colourful, cheerful ambience. In 2016 the school underwent an extensive modernisation programme which provided new classrooms, resource areas and a library. The school now boasts a fabulous, modern and bright learning environment, resourced for a 21st Century education. Classrooms are high quality and exude the atmosphere of purposeful study in a busy, creative environment – a place to be inspired. Our facilities include: Whole Curriculum Skills and Capabilities At the heart of our curriculum lies an emphasis on the development of core skills and capabilities for lifelong learning as well as the shaping of good citizens. Literacy, Numeracy and using ICT are developed through all areas of learning as well as children’s thinking skills and personal capabilities. The areas of learning are:
In Millington we aim to provide a broad and balanced curriculum, developing skills such as:
• A knowledge and experience of art in all its facets • An appreciation of music • Enjoyment of physical exercise and activity including athletics, dance, gymnastics, games, swimming, rugby, football, golf and hockey • Good health, well-being, attitudes and mental health • An understanding of Christian values and religion
• Listening, understanding, talking, reading and writing • Mathematical competence • An enquiring mind • Respect for all living things • An ability to use new technology • A sense of multi-ethnic, multicultural society • An appreciation of history and their place within it A full range of extra-curricular activities stimulates our pupils further.
• Language & Literacy • Mathematics & Numeracy
• The Arts • World Around US
• Physical Education • Personal Development & Mutual Understanding
Religious Education (RE) also remains part of our curriculum. Parents do have the right to exclude their children from Religious Education.
Extra-Curricular Activities
Educational Trips/Events
• • • • • •
Eco Club Football
• • • • • •
Cycling proficiency
• • • • • •
Micro bit Coding Club
During the year, all pupils get the opportunity to visit places of educational interest, which are linked to class topics. In addition, visiting artists and groups linked to curricular topics provide interesting days in school.
Reading Rockets
Rugby Hockey
Ready, Steady, Cook
iMovie club
Art and crafts
Eco Council Our active Eco Council is made up of pupils from P3-P7. The committee are assisted by a range of classes throughout the school who help with litter-picking, recycling, etc. Shared Education A number of year groups are involved in a Shared Education Programme with St Anthony’s Primary School, Craigavon. This allows staff to share ideas and expertise and enables the pupils to develop social skills and avail of many specialised programmes.
School Council Pupils from P4 - P7 have an opportunity to become members of our School Council. This is an excellent opportunity for pupils’ voices to be heard and they are involved in formulating ideas and discussing issues that affect them in school. P7 Holland Trip A highlight of P7 is our annual trip to Valkenburg in Holland which is an action-packed week, full of sightseeing, exciting activities and ending with a visit to Phantasialand. This is an excellent opportunity for pupils to try new experiences and make lasting memories. Shannaghmore Primary 7 pupils get to enjoy the thrills that Shannaghmore Outdoor Learning Centre has to offer in Newcastle. They enjoy activities such as archery, bouldering, canoeing, ropes course, climbing wall. This is a wonderful opportunity for our pupils to develop new skills and gain motivation and confidence for future adventures.
Construction Club
Triathlon club
Green Fingers
Everyone is Different, Everyone is Special
Recognising the individuality of every pupil is a key component of our approach to learning and development at Millington Primary School.
The progress of each child is carefully monitored and there are frequent opportunities for parents to meet with teachers both to track their progress and to discuss any issues or concerns. Foundation Stage year group meetings take place in September to give parents an insight into the specific organisation and curriculum for the new school year. In addition, Parent/Teacher meetings are held twice yearly for individual discussion with the teachers. Parents may also make appointments to speak to the class teachers at any time. Parents will also receive an annual written report in June.
Our teachers are experienced in identifying both Gifted and Talented children and those with Special Education Needs (SEN). In both cases, we are able to shape individual programmes of differentiated work to maximise their potential within the context of regular classes. Every effort is made to approach the teaching of SEN pupils in a sensitive and inclusive way, always in full consultation with parents. We aim to ensure that teaching and learning in every class is purposeful, well planned and matched to the abilities and needs of the children. Teachers employ a variety of teaching approaches to meet the needs of each child and the curriculum. Within year groups, children are split into three/four classes of mixed abilities. Staff meet regularly to ensure there is continuity, consistency and progression through their year group and school.
Well-Being In Millington Pastoral Care permeates all aspects of school life. We will carry out this responsibility by providing a caring, supportive and safe environment. Each child is valued for his or her unique talents and abilities. We aim to develop everyone to their full potential. Child Protection Procedures Reporting A Concern I have a concern about my / a child’s safety I can talk to the class teacher If I am still concerned, I can talk to the designated teacher for child protection, Mrs K. Taylor If I am still concerned I can talk to the Principal Mrs H. Murray If I am still concerned, I can talk/write to the Chairman of the Board of Governors, Rev W. Orr At any time a parent can talk to a social worker at the Gateway Team, tel: 0800 7837745 or the PSNI Public Protection Unit, tel: 0845 600 8000 In all cases of suspected child abuse, the action that will be taken in Millington is that of informing Social Services and the EA. The school will NOT be involved in investigating the suspected abuse. The following policy statements are available on our school website Positive Behaviour REACH works within our school setting to support and improve emotional health and wellbeing outcomes for pupils. We have a firm policy on school discipline, based on positive attitudes towards each other, the environment of the school and the community. We adopt a positive attitude to discipline praising and rewarding children for good progress, effort, honesty and appropriate social behaviour. In school we have a reward system to highlight achievements in every class in school. Certificates are awarded for Literacy Star, Numeracy Genius, ICT Wizard and for Good Manners in a special monthly celebration assembly. Awards are also distributed for Kindness, Accelerated Reading and Mathletics. This is part of a range of positive reward systems running throughout the school. • • Anti-Bullying Pastoral Care • • Child Protection Drugs Education • • Positive Behaviour SEN
The School Day School doors open at 8.30am
Year 1 September
8.40am – 12.30pm daily (pupils do not stay for lunch/dinner in September)
Year 1 – October – June
8.40am – 1.45pm daily 8.40am – 1.45pm daily
Year 2
Year 3 – Monday – Wednesday Year 3 – Thursday and Friday
8.40am - 2.45pm 8.40am – 1.45pm 8.40am – 2.45pm
Year 4 – Year 7
Our School Holidays are available on our school website and Seesaw.
Breakfast Club Breakfast Club is offered to all our pupils from 7.45am. Toast and fruit juices are available. The children have the opportunity to participate in board games and art and craft activities. A small fee is required to cover costs. Healthy Breaks Millington operates a Healthy Breaks Policy. The school provides healthy breaks and milk for children in Primary 1 and Primary 2. Parents are asked to contribute towards the cost of these breaks. School Dinners A menu detailing the content of school meals for the month ahead is available on the school website. School dinners consist of a main course and a convenience dessert.
Mini Owls Mini Owls is our after school childcare provision which is currently offered to P1 and P2 pupils everyday from 1.45pm - 2.45pm. P3 pupils can avail of the provision every Thursday and Friday from 1.45pm - 2.45pm. Mini Owls provides a safe and fun environment for your child where our dedicated and motivated staff offer high quality childcare. There is a daily charge and all bookings must be paid in advance. Homework Homework is an important part of school life. It provides children with an opportunity to practise and consolidate work completed in school. It encourages the development of self-discipline and independence. It also gives you, the parent an opportunity to see what your child has been learning in school.
School Uniform School uniform contributes much to the ethos of the school and we are is grateful for the support given by parents. Please ensure all items are clearly labelled with your child’s name. Wearing uniform promotes a sense of belonging in the school and encourages pride in smart personal appearance.
Millington school uniform may be obtained from several outfitters in Portadown.
Green tunic/skirt
Grey trousers
White blouse
White shirt
Green cardigan or jumper
Green jumper Millington tie Black socks Black shoes
Millington tie
Green socks or green tights
Black shoes
Green gingham dress (summer) Grey shorts School coats are available from local outfitters as an optional extra PE Uniform Foundation Stage – Children only require black plimsolls Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 Red polo shirt Red polo shirt Black shorts Black shorts Gym shoes Gym shoes Only stud earings are permitted
School in the Community
A wonderful school like Millington counts on the support of many groups such as parents, teachers, governors and the local and wider community. We are pleased to have an energetic and committed Parent Support Group who help organise events such as Christmas and Summer Fairs, school discos, Breakfast with a Book and raise funds for other activities like school trips and seasonal gifts. Our Board of Governors comprises of parents, staff, the Principal and others with relevant expertise or experience. They meet each term and help to establish the aims and policies of the school and the School Development Plan. They also oversee the curriculum and management of the school budget. We have numerous links with groups in our community and the wider area. These range from participation in local church services, liaison with crime prevention organisations, fundraising for local charities like Daisy Lodge, REACH mentoring. YMCA, Healthy Kids, ABC Council, RISE, Young Enterprise and Forest Schools. We also link with our main feeder schools. Millington Nursery School and Clounagh Junior High
Admission Policy Millington Primary School prides itself on maintaining a friendly, family atmosphere. A family where self-discipline is promoted, high expectations set and where a Christian ethos prevails.
Enrolment Number: 665 Admissions: 100
Applications P1
Admissions P1
2022 - 2023 2023 - 2024 2024 - 2025
86 84 69
91 82 72
Actual enrolment in September 2021: 641 pupils aged 4-11 years (Boys/Girls) Actual enrolment in September 2022: 637 pupils aged 4-11 years (Boys/Girls) School Management Type: Controlled
School to help children transition from one school to the next. In a wider context Millington has links with schools in Eswatini.
Admissions Criteria An admissions criteria information sheet can be requested from the school office or it can be downloaded on the school website. The admissions criteria outlined on the information sheet will be applied in the event of the school being oversubscribed. The school Waiting List Policy is also outlined on the sheet. Admissions to Primary One The application form is now completed online through the Education Authority website. Information regarding the admission process will be published on our school website.
Admission to Primary 2 – Primary 7 Requests of places in P2-P7 classes will be considered provided that the total enrolment number has not been reached and that additional enrolments will not significantly increase individual class numbers. Charging and Remissions Policy This may be found on our school website Complaints re Curriculum Complaints about the curriculum policy of the school or the exercise of any power relating to the curriculum can be made in writing to the Principal or the Board of Governors. Our Complaints Policy can be found on our school website.
The thing I like best about our school is…
...the teachers because they make the lessons really fun and interesting
...after school clubs are brilliant as they are really fun and keep you active like: football, netball, athletics, drama, choir, rugby and lots more
...being with my friends and playing games with them at playtime
Further Information The Board of Governors of Millington Primary School realises the information given in this prospectus is limited and parents are very welcome to make arrangements with the Principal to visit the school. For up-to-date information please check: School Website - Contact Information Millington Primary School, Craigavon Avenue, Portadown, County Armagh, BT62 3HQ Tel: 028 3833 4896 Principal: Mrs H. E. Murray B Ed (Hons) M Ed Email: Vice-Principal: Mrs K. Taylor B Ed (Hons) Chairman of Board of Governors: Rev. W. Orr
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