Loop Studios Development Proposal
Animated publication
Hello and Welcome Introduction
Welcome to our virtual Pre-Application Community Consultation (PACC). This website forms part of the Community Consultation in respect of development at Loop Studios, 468-476 Castlereagh Road, Belfast. The concept proposal includes part demolition of the existing studios and new extension for Film &Workshop facilities, including Virtual Film Studio. Remaining buildings on site are to be reclad to ensure a fresh and consistent design approach, along with additional site wide improvements. Consultation during COVID-19 In light of ongoing social distancing measures, temporary PACC Regulations were introduced by the Department for Infrastructure. The statutory requirement of the normal public consultation and drop-in event was removed in the interest of public safety. To replace this and ensure all stakeholders remain appropriately informed, the temporary legislation instead encouraged and provided guidance for alternative consultation methods. We are using a number of digital and remote tools to help you to provide feedback on our proposals. Purpose of Consultation and Next Steps The purpose of this website is to share details and collect feedback form the community and interested parties on our indicative proposal, to inform any future submission of a Full Planning Application to Belfast City Council. We are committed to engaging with all members of the wider East Belfast community and are now undertaking a period of PACC on our proposals. The feedback received will be shared with the wider design team and will help shape our indicative proposals, prior to submission of any Planning Application. We will prepare a PACC Report which will provide a summary of all feedback, our response and howwe have incorporated any appropriate feedback into the final proposals for the scheme. This report will be submitted as part of the Full Planning Application to Belfast City Council.
Loop Studios is an Independent Film Studio owned and operated by LCC Group Ltd. Located on Castlereagh Road at the former C&C Britvic Factory site, Loop Studios was established in 2013. Offering three film studios (see Figure 1 ) named after the Mourne Mountains totalling 85,000ft2, two workshops and stage design facilities extending to 12,000ft2, and on-site office space for 22,350ft2, this location is one of three NI Studios and is recognised by both NI Screen and the British Film Commission. The production space provides flexible working for TV & Film production, with additional office suites, amenity facilities and on-site parking to cater for cast and crew.
Internationally recognised, Loop Studios is firmly established as a ‘go to’ destination for major production companies including Universal Studios, Paramount and Netflix. In recent years, Loop Studios has been home to the following productions amongst others: - Figure 1 – Existing floor plans.
Strategic Context and Site Location Belfast City, and the wider Belfast Metropolitan Urban Area (BMUA), play a Strategic role for economic growth throughout Northern Ireland. The Regional Development Strategy (RDS) 2035 notes Belfast as the regional capital, and the focus for administration, commerce, specialised services and cultural amenities. As the economic driver for Northern Ireland, growth of a sustainable economy and investing in the future has been a priority for the region as noted by the Programme for Government. Belfast boasts excellent transport links throughout Northern Ireland and southwards to the Republic of Ireland (Dublin c. 2hrs Drive-Time south), with Key Transport corridors radiating out from Belfast City towards all corners of Northern Ireland (see Figure 2 ). With ease of connection not only throughout the Island of Ireland, international travel is also easily accessible via George Best Belfast City Airport and Belfast International Airport; both within a 30-minute drive time. The opportunities this creates ensures that it is the most sustainable location for economic development within the BMUA, which is consistent with the RDS. The development site comprises the lands and existing facilities of Loop Studios, set approximately 2 miles southeast of Belfast City Centre at Nos. 468-476 Castlereagh Road (see figure 3 ). The lands extends to c. 2.8ha (c. 6.9ac), with multiple vehicular access points onto Castlereagh Road. The surrounding area is largely mixed-use in context. Residential dwellings bound the site to the north at Orby Close/Drive, along with Orangefield Presbyterian Church adjacent to the west. Further business and commercial premises are located to the northeast on Prince Regent Road (BOC Gases and Brow Packaging), south along Montgomery Road (Lidl and Locksley Business Park) and east (Castlereagh Business Park).
Grammar School
Figure 2 – Strategic & Local Context.
Figure 3 - Site Location Plan
Area Plan Context Within the Belfast Metropolitan Area Plan (BMAP) 2015, the site is within the settlement development limit of Belfast and forms part of Existing Employment Zoning Ref: MCH 09 as well as a small portion of unzoned lands (i.eWhite Land) – see Figure 4 . The Area Plan states that Existing Employment Lands comprise undeveloped or partially developed sites of the previous local development plan, developed zonings from previous area plans or other lands currently in employment use. Developed portions of zonings such as this are noted as having potential to accommodate new development and also offer opportunities of redevelopment for business use.
Figure 4 – BMAP 2015 Metropolitan Castlereagh Extract
Figure 5 – Former C&C Factory (Fire 2001)
Site History The subject site has a long-standing history of economic development uses. The site was formerly the premises of the C&C Factory which was originally approved under ref: Y/1986/0078, until a fire destroyed the majority of the site (see Figure 5 ). There was an extensive Planning History associated with the redevelopment of the site following the fire, which have been implemented and constructed on site, and Britvic were based at the premises prior to Loop Studios. The current owner LCC Group Ltd. considered construction of a new unattended Petrol Filling Station on the currently vacant lands adjacent to Castlereagh Business Park at Nos. 474-476 Castlereagh Road; this permission was withdrawn prior to determination.
Planning Reference Description of development
Y/2001/0663/F Replacement cladding to the roof and walls of fire damaged high bay warehouse to match existing and replacement cladding to front of picking warehouse to match existing. Y/2002/0060/F Replacement cladding to the roof and walls of fire damaged existing garage to match existing
Construction of a bonded warehouse and extension to existing high bay warehouse with associated sprinkler tank and pumphouse
Z/2005/0676/F Erection of single storey extension to front of existing offices
Erection of single extension to front of existing office (amendment to previous approval ref: Z/2005/0676/F) New unattended 24 hour filling station, incorporating new canopy, 5 fuel dispensers, new underground fuel tanks, ancillary buildings, upgraded associated works and site boundaries, adjustment to traffic lights, and retrospective demolition of dilapidated two storey existing office building (amended site)
Site Proposals New Studio andWorkshop Space
The concept proposals we are seeking feedback on through this consultation have emerged following discussions with NI Screen and the production companies who have been using the site to date. The proposed additional studio and workshop capacity being sought will help to deliver purpose-built, state of the art facilities for international studios coming to Belfast. To facilitate this development there will be partial demolition of existing studio space to enable the extension of the Film Studio &Workshop facilities. The extension is proposed to extend to c. 23,000ft2 and 25,000ft2 respectively, including a bespoke Virtual Studio. The new Studio facilities will maintain spacious internal roof heights to enable filming and set production to be housed internally. It is important to note that this facility will be the only one of its kind on the Island of Ireland, delivering technology to allow real-time rendering and footage feeds to be displayed as the backdrop to productions which is one of the newest and most exciting methods of filming making. The proposals will also include the improvement and upgrading of the wider site, in addition to the recent refurbishment of the office accommodation on-site, which will involve the recladding of existing buildings to ensure a consistent design approach is being delivered which utilises the fresh, new branding. The site access will remain as per the existing arrangement on Castlereagh Road. The primary new studio and workshop space, located to the front elevation adjacent to Castlereagh Road, will reduce dependency of using external yard areas for set production and design. SiteWide Improvements
Roller Door Roller Door Roller Door
New Workshop A 524.9m 2 / 5,650ft 2
Existing Studio E / Workshop 1
Existing Workshop Outline
'Slemish' Existing Studio B 24,455 sq ft
Studio E Workshop 2 1140 sq ft
New Workshop B 929m 2 / 10,000ft 2
Roller Door
Roller Door
Roller Door Roller Door Roller Door Roller Door
Exit Exit
Exit Roller
Rear Yard Concrete Finish
Roller Door
Roller Door
'Donard' Existing Studio C 19,000 sq ft
Sprinkler Water Tank
Rear Yard Concrete Finish
Exit Exit Exit
2m High New Retaining Wall
Roller Door
Roller Door
'Gallion' Existing Studio A 33,700 sq ft
Studio A Receipt Area (Includes Plant Rooms & Offices) 4,768 sq ft
Retaining Wall
New Workshop C+D 930m 2 / 10,000ft 2
Roller Door
Roller Door
Roller Door Roller Door Roller Door
Roller Door
Roller Door
NIE HV Supply
Pal Fence
NIE HV Supply
Existing Studio D Outline
Existing Office No. 1 7,900 sq ft
Level Access
Orangefield Presbyterian Church
Bu lkhead
New Loop Studio D 2,136.7m 2 / 23,000ft 2
Sta irs Up
Sta irs Up
Access Ha tch in Floor
Ac cess Hatch in Floor
Retaining Wall
Day Time Security Barrier
Security Hut
Pedestrian Gate
Existing Office No. 2 4,900 sq ft
Pal Fence
Car Parking Concrete Finish
Car Parking Tarmac Finish
Roller Door
Night Time Security Gate
Retaining Wall
Ramp Up
Pedestrian Gate
Existing Access
Retaining Wall
Retaining Wall
Sign Post
Street Lamp
Traffic Lights
Street Lamp
Street Lamp
Street Lamp
Street Lamp
Entrance Totem Relocated
Bus Shelter
Traffic Lights
Traffic Lights
To Outer Ring
Traffic Lights
Proposed Site Layout
Site Proposals
Community and Economic Benefits The development proposals we are seeking your feedback on involve the improvement and expansion of the existing facilities at Loop Studio’s, with additional and redesigned bespoke Film &Workshop facilities to be delivered. The proposed scheme will also deliver a number of significant short and long term benefits for Belfast, the wider Northern Irish economy, and the local community, as outlined below: - • The concept proposals represent the next phase of economic stimulus to this established filming location on Castlereagh Road, in addition to recent £2.5million refurbishment of on-site offices; • Total investment associated with the new film and workshop facilities total £6million, with c.60-80no. local construction jobs created throughout the c.12- month build period. • Positive benefit to local suppliers and subcontractors in the area, both throughout the construction phase of the proposal as well as on a continued basis for set design and build; • Bespoke Virtual Studio will be first of its kind on the island of Ireland, representing a significant c. £9million investment; • Once operational, the site will have capacity for c.150no. production roles on site. A further 25no. full-time positions will be created through installation of the Virtual Studio; and • Positive ongoing contribution to the local economy, with Loop Studios catering for a rapidly expanding industry and attracting international investment to the City of Belfast. • New indoor studio adjacent to Castlereagh Road, increasing the capacity for indoor filming/set production works. Going forward, this reduces the dependence upon using external yard areas.
Have Your Say Give us a call: If you would like a member of the team to discuss our proposals over the phone and answer any questions, you can call us on 028 9043 4333 Write to us: If you wish to make comments on the proposals you can also do so in writing by sending comments to: Address: Complete a Comment Card Comments cards, along with a self-addressed envelope, have been delivered to local businesses and properties within the vicinity of the proposal site. These can be filled in and returned to us as directed. Alternatively, electronic comment cards can be completed via the online form submission on our website homepage: http://loop.tsaplanning.co.uk/ Download the Proposal Pack You can download an electronic copy of the proposals pack on our website, all you have to do is click on the link within the homepage. If you have any issues downloading the pdf then please call us on 028 9043 4333, or alternatively email: info@tsaplanning.co.uk Closing date for feedback – Monday 5th July (5pm) TSA Planning, 20 May Street, Belfast, BT1 4NL Email: info@tsaplanning.co.uk
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