Loanends Prospectus 2021/22
Homework Homework is a feature of a child’s time at Loanends. It is our policy that a regular homework discipline should be established from the first year at school. It is vital that the good habit of a period of quiet work done at home is established early. This will be of increasing importance throughout your child’s primary and secondary education. We consider that homework is also a helpful way to involve parents in their child’s education as it provides an opportunity to see and understand the type of work being done in class and how the child is coping. The content of homework will vary but will often include reading and spellings. Some homework may be of a research type encouraging and developing information seeking and retrieving skills. Written homeworks are set regularly across the curriculum. There is a reward system in KS2. Please ensure that the homework is carefully set out, neatly presented and signed. The amount of time expected to be spent on homework will vary from about ten minutes in the early stages to approximately forty-five minutes at the senior end of the school. The Homework Policy was updated in January 2019 is available to all parents. photograph to their digital folder or complete the homework activity onscreen. Teachers can comment on submissions made by pupils, thus providing immediate feedback and encouragement. Extra-Curricular Activities Extra-curricular activities are an important part of the life of the school and help develop relationships, social and sporting skills and engender a sense of community. Teachers willingly give of their time to provide a variety of interesting, fun and challenging activities. These activities vary from year to year and may include: Once a week, homework is assigned using the Seesaw App. Pupils either complete their homework and upload a
Arts and Crafts
Dodgeball Gardening Drama Hockey
Coding Club
Eco Club Jujitsu
Cycling Proficiency
French Netball
Loanends Pri mary School Prospectus 2021-22
School Council / Digital Leaders / KS2 House System Pupils are given a number of different opportunities to undertake responsibilities and develop their teamwork skills whilst making positive and valuable contributions to school life. These positions are voted for by the pupils themselves and underline the importance of giving the pupils a voice. Complaints Should any cause for concern arise during the time your child is with us about our curriculum provision or any other matter, it should be communicated to the Key Stage Coordinator or Principal. The school has a specific policy relating to the Complaints Procedure. Copies of all documentation and policies in connection with Northern Ireland Curriculum 2007 may be consulted by arrangement with the Principal. Copies will be made available free of charge. Parent, Teachers and Friends Association (PTAFA) All parents are encouraged to become members of the Parent, Teacher and Friends Association while their children attend Loanends. The school has been very fortunate to have been supported in many ways by the PTAFA over the years. Tremendous efforts are put into fund raising activities and as a result, there is an excellent range of equipment and resources available to support our work.
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