Loanends Primary School - Prospectus 2020/21
Animated publication
Prospectus 2020/21
Loanends Primary School Prospectus 2020-21
Welcome to Loanends
Page 3 Page 4
Mission Statement, CoreValues and Statement of Principles
Loanends Pri mary School Prospectus 2020-21
Staff and Governors Admissions Criteria
Page 6 Page 8 Page 9 Page 9 Page 9 Page 10 Page 14 Page 14 Page 14 Page 15 Page 15 Page 16 Page 16 Page 17 Page 17 Page 17
Daily Timetable School Uniform
Assessing and Reporting
School Trips
Charging Policy and Remissions Special Needs and Inclusion Pastoral Care and Discipline
Drugs Education Policy
Healthy Eating
Extra-Curricular Activities
School Council / Digital Leaders / KS2 House System
Page 17 Page 17
Parents, Teachers and Friends Association
Page 18 Page 20
School Calendar
Loanends Primary School Prospectus 2020-21
Loanends Primary School 193 Seven Mile Straight Crumlin Co. Antrim BT29 4YR
ARTICLE 28 : (right to education) “Every child has the right to an education. Primary education must be free and different forms of secondary education must be available to every child. Discipline in schools must respect children’s dignity and their rights. Richer countries must help poorer countries achieve this.” ARTICLE 29 : (goals of education) “Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full. It must encourage the child’s respect for human rights, as well as respect for their parents, their own and other cultures and the environment.”
Tel: 02894432314 Fax: 02894439673
Website General Information
Parents may obtain a copy of the general information about schools and admissions procedures in the North Eastern Education Authority from the School or from Board Headquarters, County Hall, 182 Galgorm Road, Ballymena BT42 1HN.
Welcome to Loanends Thank you for considering Loanends Primary School as a suitable choice for your child throughout their primary years.We hope you will find this prospectus both interesting and informative and hope that it will give you an insight into life at Loanends. At Loanends we aim to provide a secure and happy environment, in which learning can flourish, but where children will be challenged and supported in all aspects of their development throughout their Primary school years. We pride ourselves in setting high standards in terms of presentation, behaviour and the work demanded from our pupils and we encourage each pupil to fulfil their potential. We also recognise the great importance of parents and school working in partnership. We actively encourage the involvement of parents through supporting teachers in the classroom, in after school activities and also by volunteering to assist with trips and outings. We have an active and creative PTAFA who support the work going on in the school. We work hard to provide a caring environment where your child feels valued, confident and happy. We welcome children not only from the local area but also children from the Service community and even further afield. We look forward to working in partnership with you and your child over the coming years. If you would like to visit the school, we would be happy to arrange this when the restrictions are lifted. Please contact us on the numbers listed on the back.
Loanends Pri mary School Prospectus 2020-21
Mrs L Armour Principal
Mission Statement, Core Values and Statement of Principles
Core Values The principles of this policy are based around the following values which we endeavour to adopt at all times: As a whole school, we are… • Achieving • Child-Centred • Caring • Dedicated • Inclusive • Respectful • Supportive • Safe These values, together with the UNCRC, underpin every policy document and are central to the ethos of the school.
What the parents say: Treating child as an individual, meeting both pastoral and academic needs.
What the pupils say:
The staff and teachers always make every child feel valued and special.
What the pupils say:
What the parents say: Excellent relationships, caring teachers and staff.
The teachers are really kind and they include all our ideas.
“We actively strive to provide a caring and safe learning environment, where every child matters and is respected. Our passion is to nurture and empower our pupils to achieve their true potential, with the support of a highly dedicated and professional staff team.”
Statement of Principles The Staff and Governors of Loanends Primary School believe that: • The core values are the basis upon which we promote and encourage positive behaviour from all members of the school community. • Positive Behaviour will be celebrated, and sanctions applies appropriately for all unacceptable behaviours in the interests of safety, respect and well-being of the whole school community. (UNCRC Articles 13, 19 and 24) (Safe) (Respect) • All staff and pupils have the right to high quality teaching and learning, which is part of a lifelong process. We will strive to ensure that standards of behaviour are such that this can be achieved. (UNCRC Articles 6 and 28) (Safe, Inclusive, Dedicated, Achieving) • All members of the school community should endeavour to be considerate towards the learning needs of each individual and supportive of the school as a progressive, high achieving, learning community. (UNCRC Article 14) (Respect, Caring, Dedicated, Inclusive, Child-Centred, Achieving) • All members of the school community will have the opportunity to have their views listened and responded to. (UNCRC Article 13) (Respect, Supportive) • All members of the school community should endeavour to understand and accept the principles upon which the Behaviour Policy is built and should strive for commitment and adherence to all school policies. (UNCRC Articles 15, 23 and 42) (Dedicated, Respectful)
Loanends Pri mary School Prospectus 2020-21
• All school staff should aim to model positive behaviour and promote it through the active development of pupils’ social and emotional behaviour skills. (UNCRC Articles 6, 19 and 28) (Caring, Dedicated) • Everyone within the Loanends School family should endeavour to be positive ambassadors for the school at all times and in all places. (UNCRC Articles 29 and 31) (Dedicated, Respectful • The ideas and principles of the policy are open to regular review in order to stay relevant and in keeping with the changing demands of the school environment. (UNCRC Article 3) (Progressive) • All school staff should aim to model positive behaviour and promote it through the active development of pupils’ social and emotional behaviour skills. (UNCRC Articles 6, 19 and 28) (Caring, Dedicated) • Everyone within the Loanends School Community should endeavour to be positive ambassadors for the school at all times and in all places. (UNCRC Articles 29 and 31) (Dedicated, Respectful)
Staff and Governors Details of staff and Governors can be found on the school website or
Composition of the Board of Governors The Board of Governors operates for a period of four years. It comprises ten members, as follows: (a) Four nominated by the Church as Transferors. (b) Two elected by parents of pupils attending the school. (Elections are normally held every four years). (c) Two appointed by the Education Authority. (d) One elected by teachers in the school.
upon request from the school. Board of Governors
The Board of Governors is responsible for the overall management of the school and ensuring that we comply with all statutory requirements. They delegate duties to the Principal such as the day to day organisation of the school, discipline, finance and other matters which they may from time to time decide. The Governors • Ensure that the school delivers the statutory Northern Ireland Curriculum. • Manage the school budget under the Local Management of Schools scheme. • Play a major role in the appointment of staff. • Inspect the buildings annually. • Ensure that the school premises and equipment are adequate. • Make proposals for improvements. • Respond to General Inspection Reports. • Ensure that policies are prepared to cover all aspects of school life.
The Principal is a non-voting member.
Loanends Primary School Prospectus 2020-21
Child Protection and Safeguarding Team
Loanends Pri mary School Prospectus 2020-21
Mr McCourt Chair of Governors
Mrs Leitch Designated Governor
Mrs Armour Principal
Mr Hyde Deputy Designated Teacher Mrs Watson Designated Teacher KEEPING US SAFE
Admissions Numbers Year of Admission No. of Admissions
Duty To Verify Applicants should note that they may be required to produce documents verifying their address or other information pertinent to the school’s admission criteria. The provision of false or incorrect information or the failure to provide verifying documents according to the required deadline may result in either the withdrawal of a place or the inability of the school to offer a place. Waiting List Policy Should a vacancy arise after placement letters have been issued, all applications for admission to Primary 1 that were initially refused, new applications, late applications and applications where new information has been provided will be treated equally and the published criteria applied. This waiting list will be in place until the end of the academic year. The school will contact parents in writing if a child gains a place in the school by this method. A child’s name will be automatically added to the list. Parents should contact the school if they wish for their child to be removed from the list. The school does not operate aWaiting List Policy for P2–P7. ADMISSION TO P2 – P7 Pupils will be admitted to P2-P7 in accordance with the preference expressed by a parent if the school’s enrolment number or class size has not been exceeded, unless to do so would prejudice the efficient use of resources. The above criteria will also be used for admission of children from P2-P7.
Total Enrolment
2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021
24 29 27
196 195 204
Admissions Criteria Admissions criteria to be used in the event of the school being oversubscribed. The criteria are listed in order of priority. 1. Children of compulsory school age who are resident in Northern Ireland at time of proposed admission. 2. Children with a brother/half-brother or sister/ half-sister currently or previously enrolled in the school or accepted for enrolment in September 2020. 3. First child in the family to attend mainstream primary school. 4. Children whose parents, guardians, grandparents, aunts, uncles are present employees. 5. Children whose parent/guardian previously attended the school. 6. Children living closest to the school. This will be measured by a straight line on an Ordnance Survey map from the family home, at the time of application (on or before 30 January 2020) to the front pedestrian gates of the school. 7. The above criteria will also apply for admissions after the beginning of the school year in situations where the numbers of applications exceed the number of vacant places (if any). The full list of criteria will be available to parents on the EducationAuthority’s website. The digital admissions process opens on 7 January 2021 and closes at 12 noon on 29 January 2021.
Loanends Primary School Prospectus 2020-21
Daily Timetable Morning Session 09:00- 10:30 Break 10: 30-10:45 After Break 10:45-12:15 Lunch 12:15-13:00 Afternoon Session
Please contact the school Secretary, as many items of school uniform are available in school. A selection of PE shirts, shorts and school bags may also be purchased through the school. We hope that all our pupils will wear school uniform with pride as we feel it helps them identify with the school and is good for discipline. For safety reasons, we prefer that jewellery should not be worn to school, apart from a watch. Absence If your child is absent from school for any reason, we require a brief note upon their return. Similarly, if your child has to leave school early for any reason a written request must also be received. There is a separate Attendance Policy.
Loanends Pri mary School Prospectus 2020-21
P1+2 13:00-14:00 P3 13:00-15:00 (Mon -Wed) P3 13:00-14:00 (Thurs+ Fri) P4-7 13:00-15:00
School Uniform Boys
Grey trousers MaroonV-neck jumper
Grey Pinafore or skirt
MaroonV- neck jumper or cardigan
White shirt School tie Grey socks Black shoes
White blouse
School tie
White socks or grey tights
Black shoes
Curriculum The Revised Northern Ireland Curriculum has been statutory from September 2009. The curriculum builds on good classroom practice. At Loanends we provide a broad and balanced curriculum for all our pupils and it is our aim to give every pupil the opportunity to experience success in learning and to achieve as high a standard a possible. It is planned to provide a full range of learning experiences which will enable each pupil to grow and develop intellectually, socially, emotionally, physically and spiritually. The Foundation Stage Years 1 and 2 Key Stage 1 Years 3 and 4 Key Stage 2 Years 5, 6 and 7 The curriculum for the three stages is set out in the following Areas of Learning: Language and Literacy (Communication) Whilst we recognise that Literacy is a subject in its own right, it is also an important vehicle through which other subjects are taught. Talking and Listening, Reading andWriting are fundamental at each stage and once the basic skills have been mastered, pupils are encouraged to develop their creative skills in an interactive and stimulating environment, producing work for a variety of audiences. There are three stages of the Primary Curriculum
understood. Star Reading is a complementary test, taken online, and is used to measure each pupil’s reading level. This multiple-choice test is taken at various times throughout the school year and results are used to generate the appropriate reading level for individual pupils. Since its introduction in 2018, achievement in reading has improved significantly.
Loanends Primary School Prospectus 2020-21
KS2 pupils use Accelerated Reader, a reading program that helps teachers support and monitor children’s reading practice. Pupils pick a book at their own level and read it at their own
pace. When finished, pupils take a short online quiz to measure how much of the book they
Loanends Pri mary School Prospectus 2020-21
ICT Loanends prides itself on the excellent variety of technology throughout the school. Each classroom is equipped with an Interactive Whiteboard / ActivPanel and has access to desktop, laptop computers and iPads. The Key Stage 2 Resource Area / Library is also used as a computer suite, where pupils can use additional laptops, some of which have been funded by external grants. These are for use in the Resource Area and within the classrooms if needed. Pupils are encouraged to use ICT across all subject areas and in the presentation of work for a wider audience. Seesaw Seesaw is an online learning platform used throughout the school. It allows pupils to compile a digital portfolio of their work that parents can view in real-time on their digital devices. Teachers can also create and assign activities for pupils to complete at home; this proved most effective during school closure in 2020. Seesaw also enables teachers to easily track pupils’ progress across the curriculum and easily share announcements with the whole class and their parents.
Mathematics and Numeracy (Using Mathematics) Pupils are encouraged to develop a sound understanding of mathematical concepts through practical activities and problem solving throughout the three stages of the Curriculum. Mental maths activities are a daily activity in all classrooms and basic number facts and methods of computation are addressed at the appropriate level of understanding. Mathematics is integrated across the curriculum, giving pupils the opportunity to connect and contextualise their learning to a variety real life situations.
Introduced in 2020, MyMaths is an online
resource that can be used in class as well as at home to help pupils consolidate their learning. Activities develop pupils’ confidence and fluency in maths, through hundreds of lessons and self-marking homework tasks, worksheets, and games. Teachers can see, at a glance, all homework and assessment activity completed by pupils, allowing them to easily track pupils’ progress.
“The Seesaw app is amazing. I am so impressed with the parent-teacher relationships.”
The Arts (Art and Design, Drama and Music) Pupils are given a variety of opportunities within the classroom to develop their creative and expressive talents. Furthermore, pupils have the opportunity to receive Instrumental Tuition in a variety of brass, wind and string instruments. Tuition is provided by the Peripatetic Music Service fromThe Education Authority, and also through a private arrangement with one of our former parents. This tuition is supported by the Teachers whose expertise in music allows them to consolidate and develop the pupils’ abilities. This, along with excellent parental support, has given us the opportunity to form a school orchestra which meets regularly for rehearsals for school assemblies, carol services and Christmas concerts. The school has traditionally put on a major production at some point in the year, either at Christmas or in January/February. Pupils perform to a high standard both in senior productions and junior Nativity plays. A Harvest Thanksgiving Assembly is again planned for this year. The school choir meets regularly for rehearsals and takes part in assemblies, and in community events.
Personal Development and Mutual Understanding This area of the curriculum gives pupils the opportunity to learn about themselves and how they interact with others and the society or world in which they live. It develops self-esteem and builds confidence and encourages pupils to develop their interpersonal skills, thereby encouraging them to reflect on moral values and become responsible citizens.
Loanends Primary School Prospectus 2020-21
Loanends Pri mary School Prospectus 2020-21
Physical Education We believe that PE helps pupils gain confidence, promotes self-esteem and enables pupils to make the link between physical activity and good health. Pupils at Loanends are offered many opportunities to develop their physical skills through play and a range of physical activities. As well as Outdoor Play, Primary Movement and PE lessons, the children have the opportunity to become involved in skill-based games such as hockey, football, basketball, cricket, badminton and gymnastics within curriculum time or at extra-curricular level. The hockey and football teams play neighbouring schools throughout the year. Every pupil from P5 upwards is given the opportunity to learn to swim and a number of pupils take part in the Gala in June of each year. Swimming is a compulsory part of the curriculum.
The World Around Us his includes the areas of History, Geography, Science andTechnology and encourages children to explore and investigate the world around them and so develop their powers of observation and extend their natural curiosity. We provide opportunities for pupils to contribute to their learning, through involvement in planning of lessons and make good use of trips out to reinforce and extend what has been discovered in class lessons. Each year, pupils participate in a special Science Day, investigating and experimenting. Religious Education Our school has a strong Christian ethos which is central to all that we do. To this end, throughout their years in the school, pupils follow a core syllabus for Religious Education that focuses on the study of Christianity. However, any parent who wishes to withdraw their child from this area of the curriculum should contact the Principal to discuss the necessary arrangements. Pupils are also permitted, on request, to leave school to prepare for and attend sacraments. Religious Education is taught in a variety of ways, helping our pupils to develop their Biblical knowledge, spiritual awareness and personal faith. Class lessons, Scripture Union after school club and whole school weekly assemblies provide plenty of opportunities for this to be achieved. Local ministers and other staff from neighbouring churches, organisations and charities regularly lead in assemblies.
Assessing and Reporting Teachers continually assess children in a wide variety of ways. Teachers discuss children’s progress at two Parent Teacher Meetings in October and February/March. Targets are set and areas for development highlighted. StandardisedTests from P3 onwards are used in May of each year in order to provide information on the areas of strength and areas for development. This information is passed on to the receiving teachers and recorded for parents on the Annual Report. This is given to parents at the end of June each year. School Trips and Visits All classes enjoy a variety of educational trips each year. Many visitors also come to the school to add another dimension to the topics delivered by the teaching staff. The pupils in P7 have the opportunity to participate in a residential trip, every year. Valuable links have also been made with local industries and within the community.
Charging Policy and Remissions During the course of the year we provide additional activities in the form of sports coaching, visitors to the school or trips out. In cases where a voluntary contribution is requested, there is no obligation to make a contribution and pupils will not be treated differently according to whether or not their parents have made any contribution. As a school, the consideration for us is that if we are not in receipt of enough voluntary contributions, the activity may not be financially viable and therefore be cancelled.You will be advised if this is the case. The school almost always subsidises these opportunities and on occasions, parents too have generously sponsored the transport costs for the entire class. I would wish to assure you that the school does not make a profit when seeking voluntary contributions. In providing such activities, we are endeavouring to make them accessible for as many pupils as possible and to enrich and complement the experiences that pupils are already given. Where the parents of a pupil are in receipt of Income Support or Family Credit, the Board of Governors will remit in full the cost of board and lodging for any residential activity that it organises for the pupil if the activity is deemed to take place within school hours or where it forms part of the curriculum.
Loanends Primary School Prospectus 2020-21
SchoolMoney is an online payment system that was introduced in 2020 and allows parents to pay for uniform, school meals, school trips, etc. Parents can make payments using their credit/debit cards, or by bank transfer. This cashless approach is easy to sue and ensures that all payments are made safely and securely.
Special Needs and Inclusion The Principal is the designated teacher for Special Needs or SENCo. Provision is made within the resources available to the school. Please ask for our separate policy on Special Educational Needs and Inclusion. It is our belief that every child should have the opportunity to succeed and achievements will be recognised and measured on an individual basis. The school implements the requirements of the Education (Northern Ireland) Order 1996, (The Code of Practice on the Identification and Assessment of Special Educational Needs) and any of the subsequent amendments. This is currently changing with the new SEND Legislation 2016. The principle aim for children with special needs is the maintenance of their self-esteem and their full integration into the life of the school. It is our priority to identify attainable learning objectives for each child with special needs; objectives which he/she can reach in a short period of time. The SENCo provides information and ideas about appropriate individual or small group learning activities and co-operates with the class teacher in monitoring progress. From the date of first identification of special need, a child’s progress will be closely monitored and communicated to parents. Parents are asked to sign the Individual Education Plan and are given ideas how they can best support their child at home. Education Plans are reviewed three times during the year.
Pastoral Care and Discipline If you are ever worried about your child’s progress, behaviour or welfare please contact either the Principal or class teacher concerned. In a similar way we may wish to contact you if your child’s progress, attitude or behaviour is causing concern. We attempt to detect learning difficulties at an early age and to offer intervention as soon as possible. Pupils with special educational needs will be catered for within their own class situation with additional support when possible. Parents are always notified when additional support is being contemplated for their child. Consultations are arranged twice a year when parents have the opportunity of a formal interview with the class teacher to discuss their child’s progress. This is in addition to the informal contact which we encourage throughout the year. All teachers have a responsibility for the welfare and care of all the pupils in the school. By offering a broad and balanced curriculum which allows each pupil to achieve his/her potential we hope to minimise discipline problems. Our Positive Behaviour Policy details our high standards of education and behaviour. It encompasses aspects of positive reinforcement, setting examples, giving encouragement and developing confidence and sound attitudes. Only
Loanends Pri mary School Prospectus 2020-21
when these approaches fail, we then implement an agreed set of graded sanctions. This is always a last resort. Teachers will be responsible at all times for the behaviour of pupils in their care and this policy will permeate all aspects of school life. The Positive Behaviour Policy was updated in September 2020 and is available on request from the school office.
Child Protection and Safeguarding Team
MrMcCourt ChairofGovernors
MrsLeitch DesignatedGovernor
MrsArmour Principal
MrHyde DeputyDesignatedTeacher
MrsWatson DesignatedTeacher KEEPING US SAFE
Drugs Education Policy In accordance with Government requirements, the school has a policy relating to drug education, last updated in September 2019. This element of the curriculum is taught within PDMU as children learn to value and maintain their health. A distinction is made between prescribed drugs and others. For reasons of health and safety, children should not bring any form of medication to school without the agreement of the parents and Principal. Arrangements for the safe-keeping and administering of medicines can usually be made. Parents should note that only essential medicines will be administered by the Appointed Teacher, during school hours. Alternatively, parents are welcome to visit the school and administer medicine to their child if they wish. Please ask for our separate policy document. The Governors and staff will not condone the possession or use of illicit drugs on school premises and appropriate disciplinary measures will be taken. The Governors will regard the use or misuse of drugs as a very serious offence and may suspend those involved. Staff will continue to be alert to the risks and signs of such drugs.
Healthy Eating Loanends Primary School actively encourages pupils to eat healthily and exercise regularly. We encourage parents to send healthy breaks and lunches with their children. Our aim is to discourage the eating of crisps and confectionery. Our school cook provides a different bread product or fruit each day at the cost of 30p. • Milk andWater • Any Fruit or vegetables – no dried fruit (the consumption of dried fruit can contribute to tooth decay). Tinned fruit is acceptable in natural/its own juice rather than syrup. • Any bread product from the following list: Examples: Sandwich, Wheaten, Soda, Potato Bread, Pitta Bread, TortillaWraps, Bread Muffin, Crumpets. Spread butter or fat spreads thinly. Avoid sugary spread e.g. jam, marmalade, honey or chocolate spread. We would appreciate your support in implementing this policy. The School has a separate Food in Schools Policy. Our Healthy Break encourages only the following foods and drinks to be taken at break time.
Loanends Primary School Prospectus 2020-21
Homework Homework is a feature of a child’s time at Loanends. It is our policy that a regular homework discipline should be established from the first year at school. It is vital that the good habit of a period of quiet work done at home is established early. This will be of increasing importance throughout your child’s primary and secondary education. We consider that homework is also a helpful way to involve parents in their child’s education as it provides an opportunity to see and understand the type of work being done in class and how the child is coping. The content of homework will vary but will often include reading and spellings. Some homework may be of a research type encouraging and developing information seeking and retrieving skills. Written homeworks are set regularly across the curriculum. There is a reward system in KS2. Please ensure that the homework is carefully set out, neatly presented and signed. The amount of time expected to be spent on homework will vary from about ten minutes in the early stages to approximately forty-five minutes at the senior end of the school. The Homework Policy was updated in January 2019 is available to all parents. or complete the homework activity onscreen. Teachers can comment on submissions made by pupils, thus providing immediate feedback and encouragement. Extra-Curricular Activities Extra-curricular activities are an important part of the life of the school and help develop relationships, social and sporting skills and engender a sense of community. Teachers willingly give of their time to provide a variety of interesting, fun and challenging activities. These activities vary from year to year and may include: Once a week, homework is assigned using the Seesaw app. Pupils either complete their homework and upload a photograph to their digital folder
Arts and Crafts
Dodgeball Gardening Drama Hockey
Coding Club
Eco Club Jujitsu
Cookery Maths Cycling Proficiency French Netball Football
Loanends Pri mary School Prospectus 2020-21
School Council / Digital Leaders / KS2 House System Pupils are given a number of different opportunities to undertake responsibilities and develop their teamwork skills whilst making positive and valuable contributions to school life. These positions are voted for by the pupils themselves and underline the importance of giving the pupils a voice. Complaints Should any cause for concern arise during the time your child is with us about our curriculum provision or any other matter, it should be communicated to the Key Stage Coordinator or Principal. The school has a specific policy relating to the Complaints Procedure. Copies of all documentation and policies in connection with Northern Ireland Curriculum 2007 may be consulted by arrangement with the Principal. Copies will be made available free of charge. Parent, Teachers and Friends Association (PTAFA) All parents are encouraged to become members of the Parent, Teacher and Friends Association while their children attend Loanends. The school has been very fortunate to have been supported in many ways by the PTAFA over the years. Tremendous efforts are put into fund raising activities and as a result, there is an excellent range of equipment and resources available to support our work.
Loanends Primary School Prospectus 2020-21
Loanends Pri mary School Prospectus 2020-21
Autumn Term 2020 Monday 24 August
School commences (P7 only)
Wednesday 26 August
School commences
Monday 31 August
Bank Holiday (School Closed)
Monday 26 October - Friday 30 October (inc)
Half Term
Wednesday 16 December
End of Term
Spring Term 2021 Monday 4 January **
School commences
Monday 15 February
School Development Day (school closed for pupils)
Tuesday 16 February – Friday 19 February (inc)
Half Term
Wednesday 17 March
Public Holiday
Loanends Primary School Prospectus 2020-21
Monday 29 March
School Development Day (school closed for pupils) Easter Holidays- End of Term
Tuesday 30 March – Friday 9 April (inc)
Summer Term 2021 Monday 13 April
School commences
Monday 3 May
Bank Holiday
Tuesday 4 May
School Development Day (school closed for pupils) School Development Days (school closed for pupils)
Thursday 27 May – Friday 28 May
Monday 31 May
Bank Holiday
Wednesday 30 June
End of Term (school closes at 12.15pm)
*Note: A further 2 days (amended) have been included due to the earlier return to school. These are subject to change.
Thank you for taking the time to read our Prospectus. If you would be interested in seeing around our school when safe to do so, please speak to the Secretary, or to Mrs Armour, the Principal.
Loanends Pri mary School Prospectus 2020-21
What the parents say:
Loanends provides a happy place to learn.
An extra mile school.
Good communication between school and home.
Every child matters.
The school environment is very caring.
What the pupils say:
Even if Coronavirus is here, we get taught and teachers treat us the same.
The ways we learn are creative, not just textbooks and sums.
The people around you is the best thing about Loanends. Friends, family, teachers and staff are all very kind and grateful for who you are.
I love the school trips we do and the teachers are always there if you need them.
I love the topics we do and the books we can read.
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