Grosvenor Grammar Prospectus 2025
Uniform All Grosvenor pupils are encouraged to wear their uniform with pride as it identifies them as a member of the School community. Basic guidance can be found below; however, a more detailed version of the Uniform Policy can be found on our website. Suppliers: Gowdy’s, 121 Woodstock Road, Belfast (Boys and Girls) Little’s, 254 Woodstock Road, Belfast (Boys only)
Shirt Plain white. School Tie
Blazer black, wool, or man-made fibre, which is sold complete with School or Sixth Form badge and bought from the official suppliers. Trousers Evvaprest charcoal grey. Socks dark grey or black. Shoes Shoes must be black leather and plain and with a heel no greater than 4cms. Pullover Mid-grey, V-necked, plain or with Grosvenor neck band. The School tie is available from the suppliers; the Senior School tie is only available from the school. Blazer black, wool, or man-made fibre, which is sold complete with School or Sixth Form badge and bought from the official suppliers. Skirt bottle green, box pleated to the knee in length. Knee socks/tights bottle green. Pullover bottle green v-neck, fine plain knit of correct size. Cardigans may be worn in Senior School only. Shoes Shoes must be black leather and plain and with a heel no greater than 4cms. School Tie The School tie is available from the suppliers; the Senior School tie is only available from the school. Blouse regulation white shirt blouse of correct size.
School Days, 16 Holywood Road, Belfast (Boys and Girls) Warnock’s, 407 Lisburn Road, Belfast (Boys and Girls)
PE and Games Kit
Boys’ PE and Games Kit Girls’ PE and Games Kit
PE top PE shorts White socks
PE/Games top PE/Games skirt Games socks Training shoes (non-marking) PE Kit (as above) Training shoes (non-marking) Hockey stick
Training shoes (non-marking)
Grosvenor GS rugby jersey Rugby shorts Rugby socks (Green, blue, white hoops) Boots (rugby or soccer)
Training shoes (non-marking)
NB – Each pupil requires a towel, mouth guard and shin guards for every lesson. PE and Games kit items are only available through the School. Pupils must wear full school uniform or a school tracksuit as they travel to and from Games and matches off-site. Parents’ co-operation is requested in ensuring that the correct size of garment is worn and that attention is paid to general grooming and appearance. Uniform grants are available in certain circumstances; details are provided in the “Information Booklet for Parents and Pupils” and application forms are available from the Education Authority. If you have any queries on uniform, please ring 028 9070 2777 and ask for a member of the Senior Leadership Team.
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