Glenpatrick Polo

Polo is called the Sport of Kings and for centuries it has drawn royalty to its ranks. In the minds of many, the game has always belonged to the rich, the famous, and the privileged few. But there’s more to the sport than the glamorous world that surrounds it. Sport of Kings

It began as a war game more than 2,000 years ago and is one of the oldest team sports in history. Most of us in Ireland today know very little about it, but there was a time in the 1920’s and 30s when polo would draw a crowd of 20,000 spectators at the All Ireland Polo Cup. The event was hosted at the historic All Ireland Polo Club in Phoenix Park Dublin which at the time was bigger than Gaelic, Rugby and Football!

Polo is a growing sport here in Ireland and further afield with more and more competitors and spectators getting involved. We have some incredible Irish players and ponies; involvement in the sport is growing at a rapid pace.



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