Finlay's Foods Christmas 2017



Christmas 2017

2016 1

SUG749 Christmas Crew Sug 42mm Boxed SUG749 Christmas Crew S 42mm Boxe SUG749 Christmas Crew Suga 42mm Boxed 1 SUG749 Christmas Crew Sugaret 42mm Boxed 180 SUG749 Christmas Crew Sugarett 42mm Boxed 180 SUG749 Christmas Crew Sugarett s 42mm Boxed 180 Z1125 Christmas Crew Sugarettes 42mm HP8 Boxed 500 SUG749 Christmas Crew Sugarettes 42mm Boxed 180 SUG749 Christmas Crew Sugarettes 42mm Boxed 180 Christ 201

264 Christmas Sugar Pipings 25mm Boxed 250 264 Christmas Sugar Pipings 25mm Boxed 250 264 Christmas Sugar Pipings 25m Boxed 250 264 Christmas Sugar Pipings 25m Boxed 250 WFL286 Christmas Wafer Cut-Outs 28mm Boxed 300 264 ristmas Sugar Pipings 25mm Boxed 250 264 ristmas Sugar Pipings 25mm Boxed 250 WFL286 Christmas Wafer Cut-Outs 28mm Boxed 300 264 tmas Sugar Pipings 25m Boxed 250 264 istmas Sugar Pipings 25m Boxed 250 FL286 tmas Wafer Cut-Outs 28m Boxed 300 Z4430 Christmas Sugar Pipings 25mm XP167 Boxed 250

WFL286 Christmas Wafer Cut-Outs 28mm Boxed 300 WFL286 Christmas Wafer Cut-Outs 28mm Boxed 300 WFL286 Christmas Wafer Cut-Outs 28m Boxed 300 WFL286 Christmas Wafer Cut-Outs 28mm Boxed 300 SUG748 Bouncy Christmas Sugarettes 31mm Boxed 450 SUG748 Bouncy Christmas Sugarettes 31mm Boxed 450 Z4101 Christmas Wafer Cut-Outs 28mm WFL286 Boxed 300

SUG748 Bouncy Christmas Sugarettes 31mm Boxed 450 SUG748 Bouncy Christmas Sugarettes 31mm Boxed 450 SUG748 Bouncy Christmas Sugarettes 31m Boxed 450 SUG748 Bouncy Christmas Sugarettes 31mm Boxed 450 SUG749 Christmas Crew Sugarettes 42mm Boxed 180 SUG748 Bouncy Christmas Sugarettes 31mm Boxed 450 SUG748 Bouncy Christmas Sugarett s 31mm Boxed 450 SUG749 Christmas Crew Sugarett s 42mm Boxed 180 SUG748 Bouncy Christmas Sugarettes 31mm Boxed 450 SUG748 Bouncy Christmas Sugarettes 31mm Boxed 450 SUG749 Christmas Crew Sugarettes 42mm Boxed 180 Z1127 Bouncy Christmas Sugarettes 31 m SUG748 Boxed 180

WFL286 Christmas Wafer Cut-Outs 28mm Boxed 300 WFL286 Christmas Wafer Cut-Outs 28mm Boxed 300 WFL286 Christmas Wafer Cut-Outs 28mm Boxed 300 SUG748 Bouncy Christmas Sugarettes 31mm Boxed 450 WFL286 Christmas Wafer Cut-Outs 28mm Boxed 300

SUG745 Santa and Presents Gingerbread Plaque 75mm x 163mm Boxed 60 SUG745 Santa and Presents Gingerbread Plaque 75mm x 163mm Boxed 60 SUG745 Santa and Presents Gingerbread Plaque 75mm x 163m Boxed 60 SUG745 Santa and Presents Gingerbread Plaque 75mm x 163mm Boxed 60 SUG746 Reindeer Gingerbread Plaque 75mm x 163mm Boxed 60 SUG745 Santa and Present Gingerbread Plaque 75mm x 163mm Boxed 60 SUG745 Santa and Presents Gingerbread Plaque 75mm x 163 m Boxed 60 SUG746 Reindeer Gingerbread Plaque 75m x 163m Boxed 60 SUG745 Santa and Presents Gingerbread Plaque 75mm x 163mm Boxed 60 SUG745 Santa and Presents Gingerbread Plaque 75mm x 163mm Boxed 60 S 746 Reindeer Gingerbre d Plaque 75mm x 163mm Boxed 60 Z4429 Santa and Presents Ginge bread Pl que 7 6 SUG745 Boxed 60 XP217 Santa with Toys 45mm Boxed 36

SUG790 Variegated Triple Holly 24mm Boxed 370 SUG790 Variegated Tripl Holly 24mm Boxed 370 SUG790 Variegated Triple Holly 24mm Boxed 370 SUG790 Variegated Triple Holly 24m Boxed 370 Holly and Baubles Sugar Plaque 138mm Boxed 24 Holly and Baubles Sugar Plaque 138mBoxed 24 olly nd Baubles Sugar Plaque 138mm Boxed 24 Z 431 Variegated Tripl olly 24mm SUG790 Boxed 370 SUG743 743 SUG790 arieg ted Triple Holly 24mm Boxed 370 SUG790 ariegat d Triple Holly 24mm Boxed 370 UG790 egated Triple Holly 24mm Boxed 370 UG790 riegated Triple Holly 24m Boxed 370 S UG743

SUG746 Reindeer Gingerbread 75mm x 163m Boxed SUG746 Reindeer Gingerbre 75mm x 163 Boxe SUG746 Reindeer Gingerbread 75mm x 163mm Boxed 6 SUG746 Reindeer Gingerbread Pla 75mm x 163mm Boxed 60 SUG746 Reind er Gingerbr ad Plaq 75mm x 163mm Boxed 60 SUG746 Reindeer Gingerbread Plaqu 75mm x 163 m Boxed 0 SUG746 Reindeer Gingerbread Plaque 75mm x 163mm Boxed 60 SUG746 Reindeer Gingerbread Plaque 75mm x 163mm Boxed 60 Z4428 Reindeer Gingerbread Plaque 75mm x 163mm SUG746 Boxed 60 XP2 Santa with Sack 45mm Boxed 50

SUG743 Holly and Baubles Sugar Plaque 138mm Boxed 24 Holly and Baubles Sugar Plaque 138mm Boxed 24 Holly and Baubles Sugar Plaque 138mm Boxed 24 SUG743 Holly and Baubl s Sugar Plaque 138mm Boxed 24 SUG745 Santa and Presents Gingerbread Plaque 75mm x 163mm Boxed 60 SUG745 Santa and Presents Gingerbread Plaque 75mm x 163mm Boxed 60 5 Pres nts Z1140 Holly and Baubles Sugar Plaque 138mm SUG743 Boxed 24 Boxed 50 SUG743 Holly and Baubles Sugar Pl que 138mm Boxed 24 SUG743 SUG743 Holly and Baubles Sugar Plaque 138mm Boxed 24 SUG743 Holly and Baubles Sugar Plaq e 138mm Boxed 24 SUG743 SUG743 Holly and B ubles Sugar Plaque 138mm Boxed 24 SU Sant Gingerbread Plaq 75mm x 163mm Boxed 60 XP167 Santa on Sleigh 45mm

11237 Jolly Santa and Reindeer Rings 45mm Boxed 72 11237 Jolly Santa and Reindeer Rings 45mm Boxed 72 11237 olly Santa and Reindeer Rings 45mm Boxed 72 11237 lly Santa and Reindeer Rings 45mm Boxed 72 1732 Snowman and Penguin Rings 44mm Boxed 144 11237 anta and Reindeer Rings 45mm Boxed 72 11237 anta and Reindeer Rings 45mm Boxed 72 a ngui ings m B ed 11237 ta and Reindeer ings 45mm Boxed 2 11237 nta and Reindeer Rings 45m Boxed 72 1732 an and Penguin Rings 44mm Boxed 144 Z4422 Snowm n and P nguin Rings 44mm 1732 Boxed 144

1732 Snowman and Penguin Rings 44mm Boxed 144 1732 Snowman and Penguin Rings 44mm Boxed 144 1732 Snowman and Penguin Rings 44mm Boxed 144 1732 Snowman and Penguin Rings 44mm Boxed 144 1733 Reindeer and Santa Rings 46mm x d 144 33 Reindeer and Sa ta Rings 6 m Boxed 14 1733 Reindeer and S ta Rings 46mm Boxed 144 Z4 23 Reindeer and Santa Rings 46mm 1733 Boxed 144 XP35 Dark Brown Robin 5mm Boxed 100 1732 Snowman and Penguin Rings 44mm Boxed 144 1732 Snowman and Penguin Rings 44mm Boxed 144 1732 Snowman and Pe guin Rings 44mm Boxed 144 1732 Snowman and Penguin Rings 44mm Boxed 144

1733 Reindeer and Santa Rings 46mm Boxed 144 1733 Reindeer and Santa Rings 46mm Boxed 144 1733 Reindeer and Santa Rings 46mm Boxed 144 1733 Reindeer and Santa Rings 46mm Boxed 144 XP100 Plastic Waving Snowman 38mm Boxed 50 1733 Reindeer and Santa Rings 46mm Boxed 144 1733 Reindeer and Santa Rings 46mm Boxed 144 XP100 Plastic Waving Snowman 38mm Boxed 50 1733 Reindeer and Sant Rings 46mm Boxed 144 1733 Reindeer and Santa Rings 46mm Boxed 144 XP100 Plastic Waving Snowman 38mm Boxed 50 Z1141 l c aving Snowman 38mm XP100 Boxed 50 XP21 Reindeer 50mm Boxed 50

XP100 Plastic Waving Sno 38mm Boxed XP100 Plastic Waving Sn 38mm Boxe XP100 Plastic Waving Snow 38mm Boxed 5 XP100 Plastic Waving Snowm 38mm Boxed 50 XP100 Plastic Waving Snowma 38mm Boxed 50 XP100 Plastic Waving Snowman 38mm Boxed 50 XP100 Plastic Waving Snowman 38mm Boxed 50 XP100 Plastic Waving Snowman 38mm Boxed 50 XP38 Plastic A 76mm Boxed 100 Z1128 Plastic Axe 76mm XP38 Boxed 10

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