Edenbrook Residential Development Proposal

Site Proposals The proposal comprises a proposed residential development of c.176 no. dwellings. Currently, the layout includes a mix of detached, semi-detached and apartment dwellings which will be provided in a variety of house types and styles, including dual frontage house types and finished in buff brick, render and stone. Public open and amenity space is provided and facilitated within various pockets throughout the layout including a large central landscaped buffer running from north to south. Open space locations are generally as per the previous approval and an equipped children’s play area will be provided in the centre of the site. The majority of dwellings are accessed through Phase 1 of development, via the main access point to Newry Road. Dwellings in the south western corner of the site (Plot Nos. 157 to 167) are served by a separate access point from Newry Road, to create a small, exclusive cul-de-sac, with pedestrian connections into the wider site. In respect of the previous approval on the site, our proposals for Phase 2 includes the following amendments: • Minor amendments to general positioning of dwellings and overall layout, for example within the north eastern portion of the site (Plot Nos. 23 to 57) and at Open Space A. However, overall road layout in general conformity with previous approval; • Reduction in residential density from 184 no. dwellings within this portion of the site to c.176 no. dwellings; • The proposals amend the House Type Mix from 26 no. detached; 134 no. semi-detached; 15 no. apartments; and 9 no. townhouses within the approval to 54 no. detached; 100 semi-detached; and 22 no. apartments within the proposals; • Provision of dual frontage house types on key corners (e.g. Plot Nos. 25; 73; 50; 89; 123 and 173) and fronting public open space (e.g. Plot Nos. 90 and 148); and • Separate standalone access arrangement to Plot Nos. 157 to 167 from Newry Road.

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