Display Solutions Handbook

Gear Edge Panel Kits

Gear Edge panel kits and counters offer a stylish designwith the addedGear Edge system that keeps your stand in exactly the position you require.



Gear Edge Panel Kits GEP6/ GEP7/ GEP8

Panel Kits / Gear Edge

Gear Edgepanel folding kits and counters are strong, robust and easy to transport, evenwithgraphics in-situ. Thedurablealuminiumgear edge frame system is suitable for permanent displays. Panels are availableas frameonly, or witha choiceof fabric colours or with your owndesignedgraphic infill panels, offering you the flexibility that best suits your requirements. - AluminiumGear Edgehinges allow the frame tobepositionedat any angle - Silver anodised frames arequick and easy toassemble - Choiceof three counter styles to complement your stand

Panel kits Visible graphic area (approx): Code 6Panel kit 6Header 867(h) x 556(w)mm 217(h) x 556 (w)mm

Gear Edge 8Panel Kit


7Panel kit 7Header 8Panel kit 8Header

867(h) x 556 (w)mm 217 (h) x 556 (w)mm 867 (h) x 556 (w)mm 217 (h) x 556 (w)mm x 2



FO: Frame only / FC: Fabric covered Total hardware dimensions (approx): 6 panel - 1500 (h) x 2050 (w)mm 7 panel - 2050 (h) x 1500 (w)mm 8 panel - 2050 (h) x 2100 (w)mm

Gear Edge 7Panel Ki t

Gear Edge 6Panel Kit

Optional lockable cupboard GRRU IRU H[WUD VHFXULW\

Gear Edge Counters GECS/GECC/GECD

Panel kits

Visible graphic area (approx): 867 (h) x 685 (w)mm 867 (h) x 315 (w)mm 867 (h) x 712 (w)mm 867 (h) x 315 (w)mm 622 (h) x 685 (w)mm 622 (h) x 136 (w)mm


Straight front panel Straight side panel Curve front panel: Curve side panel: Display front panel: Display side panel:




FO: Frame only / FC: Fabric covered Total hardware dimensions (approx): Straight - 920 (h) x 830 (w) x 450 (d)mm Curved - 920 (h) x 830 (w) x 525 (d)mm Display - 920 (h) x 775 (w) x 405 (d)mm

Gear Edge Straight Counter

Gear EdgeCurvedCounter

Gear EdgeDisplayCounter


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