Display Solutions Handbook
Flags Outdoor/Indoor
Outdoor/Indoor / Flags
ZoomGrande UB730-C
ZoomGrande baseoptions
1050mm (approx)
1350mm (approx)
- Tough telescopicpole for adjustableheight up to approx 5.8mhigh - Choiceof bases to suitmost surfaces - Suitable for bothQuill and Feather shaped lightweight fabricgraphics - Beaufort scale 4 (13 -18mph/21-29kph)
Square Base / UB728-C
WeightingRing / UB719-C
Visible graphic area (approx): Quill - 4502 (h) x 1400 (w)mm Feather - 4600 (h) x 1050 (w)mm
5.6m (approx)
5.8m (approx)
Cross Base / UB727-C
The tallest and strongest RXWGRRU àDJ
GroundSpike / UB731-C
(All feet sold separately)
+DUG ZHDULQJ àDJ for use in water
AquaZoomKit UB116
Consider where youposition your flagas pollutionwill cause thewhiteareas of a flag tobecomegrey andUV can, overtime causedeteriorationand fadingof the flag Life expectancy is entirely dependent on the climatic conditions andhours of flying. Realisticmaximum life spanof a flag in regular use is sixmonths Takedown your flag in strongwinds over force six. Heavy rain combinedwithhigh winds increases theweight of the flagand thus thewind-loading exertedon thepole Flags canbewashed ina regular washing machineona40° washwithnormal detergents. If the endof the flag is frayed - trim, reinforceand re-hem to extend the life Make sure that your flag cannot catchor snagon thepoleor IMPORTANT INFORMATION How to care for your flags
- Kit includes anchor to keep in position inwater, tether rope to retrieve flag fromwater,
galvanised steel counter weight, poleandbase
- Pole constructedusing the toughZoomGrandedesign - For use in rivers, ponds and lakeswithaminimumwater depthof 1.2mandmaximum 3.4m Visible graphic area (approx): Aqua Zoom Feather 2600 (h) x 600 (w)mm Aqua ZoomQuill 2058 (h) x 990 (w)mm Total hardware dimensions (approx): Aqua Zoom Feather 3700 (h) x 785 (w)mm Aqua ZoomQuill 3200 (h) x 1155 (w)mm
3100mm (approx)
3700mm (approx)
Tether rope
another object nearby, as thiswill causedamage. Donot sitepoles too close together Never store your flagwhenwet. Always hang it upandallow it to dry before storing
MinWater Depth 1200mm
Counter weight and anchor
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