DAM EASY - Flood Protection

FLOOD PROTECTION The New Retail Category


Tidal: From the sea or tidal rivers. Often sudden and extreme.

Flash: In areas with steep slopes, heavy rain can cause a riverbed that held very little or no water at first, to suddenly brim with fast flowing water.

Urban/Ground Water: This is surface-water flooding which will arrive when urban drainage systems are overwhelmed by sudden heavy rainfall, exacerbated by concreting over large areas of soil and gardens. Fluvial/Riverine: On flood plains when a river breaks it banks due to rainfall, snow or ice melt exceeding the capacity of the water course. Pluvial: This can happen in relatively flat areas when the ground is saturated beyond capacity and or when rainwater enters a water system and can’t be stored.

Ice Jam: River ice breaks and jams in spring causing rivers to back up and flood.

In cases such as tidal and flash flooding, measures greater than protecting the structure of the home are required. Sea defence, permanent barriers and large scale drainage schemes are the first line of defence. Urban, fluvial, pluvial flooding can be defended with either home specific drainage works, structural changes and domestic flood defences.


Storm Earthquake Extreme Temperature

Landslide Drought Wildfire Volcanic Activity

Increasing Frequency and Severity of Floods UNISDR / CRED


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