Castle Meadows

Site Proposals We are currently carrying out a Pre-Application Community Consultation in respect of our proposals on lands at 1 Enkalon Industrial Estate, Randalstown Road, to the north and east of Oriel Lodge/29 Randalstown Road, north east of No. 28 Castlewater Gardens and south east of Steeple Burn, Antrim The proposal comprises a residential development of c.80 no. dwellings, including detached, semi-detached and apartment units. The key design principles which have informed the proposed layout are as follows: • Provide high quality family homes adjacent to recent residential development at Castlewater Gardens; • Allow for a spacious layout with an average density of c.22dph which allows for generous areas of public open space within the development; • Ensure a range of dwelling sizes and types to promote choice for future residents; • Use of house types and materials within the proposal which complement the adjacent residential development; • Provide dual frontage dwellings and apartments at key locations to ensure a high quality streetscape and site frontage on to Randalstown Road; • Bring the existing private road along the eastern boundary of the site to adoptable standards, in order to facilitate access to the development; • Provision of two in curtilage parking spaces for dwellings and communal parking for apartments; • Retain the existing belt of trees along the western boundary; and • Respect the amenity of adjacent residents at Oriel Lodge and Castlewater Gardens through adequate separation distances and inclusion of chalet bungalows adjacent to single storey dwellings at Oriel Lodge.

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