Castle Meadows
Strategic Context and Site Location
The subject lands are located at Enkalon Industrial Estate, fronting Randalstown Road, within the settlement development limit of Antrim. The surrounding area is characterised by a mix of residential and commercial development including Oriel Lodge Residential Care Home and Castlewater Gardens to the west of the site. Enkalon Industrial Estate is situated to the north west of the site and AntrimBusiness Park to the south east. The site is bound by an internal estate road to the east, Randalstown Road to the south and residential development to the west. The Steeple Burn watercourse runs along the north eastern boundary. There is a small parcel of vacant lands situated adjacent to the north of the site which is subject to a current planning application for a PFS and ancillary shop (Ref: LA03/2020/0832/F). The site itself is a 3.68ha brownfield site, predominantly comprising a large area of hardstanding, with some scrub within the western portion of the site and an existing belt of trees along the western boundary. There are a number of vacant/derelict buildings located within the north western portion and a Euro Car Wash within the north eastern portion of the lands. The site has been most recently used as a temporary Covid-19 testing centre.
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