Bridge Association Proposal

Site History The sitewas previously associatedwith thewider development proposals for a newLight IndustrialWarehouse (T/2006/0676/F), whichwas approved in January 2007. This approved layout was subsequently varied in 2016 through thepermission of a Tyre Depot (LA03/2016/0510/F), which formed a standalone sitewith an alternative access to the site and lands to the rear. This access roadhas sincebeen built out and currently serves Kerr’s AutoTyres &Auto.

The tablebelow includes a list of the historic planning applications associatedwith the site:

Planning Reference




New light industrial warehouse – (class B2) newwarehouse development, comprising 35 individual warehouse units with ancillary office accommodation.

Permission Granted (January 2007)


Application to vary condition 2 of previous approval T/2006/0676/F (under Article 28 of The Planning NI Order 1991, as amended) to permit trade counters with associated showrooms/ areas for the sale and display of goods for up to 15% of floorspace of the approved units, with a maximum of 5 no. units permitted to use up to 25% of floorspace for associated showroom/ area of sale and display of goods. (amended proposal). Construction of tyre depot, ancillary offices, associated site works and formation of new access road onto existing public road.

Permission Granted (August 2011)


Permission Granted (October 2016)


66sqm infill extension between blocks C & D to light industrial Warehouse Class B2 & change of front, rear and side elevations.

Permission Granted (28th September 2018)

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