Alternative Heat Redevelopment Proposal
Traffic Aspects of the Proposal
The proposal also seeks retrospective permission for physical works undertaken at the site. As marked with blue arrows these comprise a new entrance and internal access road from Old Mill Road leading to an area of yard extension where the office prefabricated building sits and staff car parking.
Internal access lane leading from new access from Old Mill Road to rear yard parking area & office
Yard extension with office and staff car parking area
An additional access road has been installed to the east of the site to separate the industrial site and enable continued access to the surrounding agricultural fields still used by Bee Farms/Scarva House.
New rear access road to east of site leading to agricultural fields
Internal Access to rear leading to agricultural fields also within the ownership of the applicant
The SPPS transitional arrangements require that Planning Policy Statement 3 (PPS 3) Access, Movement and Parking takes precedence. It specifies the objectives for the creation of an accessible
environment, safe access onto public roads and sufficient parking in line with Policy AMP 2 and AMP 7. The site is accessed directly off the Old Mill road in Scarva via an existing priority junction. Old Mill Road in the vicinity of the site is subject to the national speed limit and links Scarva to Loughbrickland. The volume of vehicles using this road would be less than 3000 vpd (lightly trafficked). Old Mill Road is straight in the vicinity of the site and therefore traffic travelling towards the site are afforded excellent forward visibility to both the north and to the south (approx. 150m in each direction.) As the site generates less than 60 vehicle movements per day the visibility splays
associated with the access in accordance with Development Control Advice Note 15: Vehicular Access Standards is 2.4 x 105m (based on 57mph 85% mile speed) . The visibility splays available to the site access are 2.4 x150m in each direction in excess of the requirements. The site access is wide (varies from 28m at the road edge to 7.0m in width 20m into the site) and will enable for a vehicle to enter the site as one exits eliminating the need for any vehicle to wait on the Old Mill Road. The access that is in place is to full standard for industrial use in line with DCAN 15. A Transport Assessment Form is included as part of the overall pack setting out the required details and appropriate servicing.
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