Alternative Heat Redevelopment Proposal

Our Proposal

This proposal relates to a retrospective change of use within an existing yard. Various commercial uses have occurred in the existing buildings over the years including use as a stud farm and haulage. Permission is now sought for their re- use by Alternative Heat Commercial Energy Solutions.

Established in 2003, Alternative Heat are a leading supplier and installer of heating and energy systems throughout the UK and Ireland. They specialise in the design, build, installation and commissioning of commercial energy solutions including prefabricated plant for domestic and industrial premises. Alternative Heat have been operating from the existing buildings at the Old Mill Road, Scarva site since 2019.

This application seeks to regularise the change of use of those buildings for Alternative Heat. It also seeks retrospective planning permission for a new access road from Old Mill Road, an extension to the rear of the yard and prefabricated office and canteen buildings. Retrospective permission for an internal access road to the field behind is also requested.

The proposal is for:

‘‘Change of use of buildings and yard from horse breeding business/stud farm, with alterations to use for industrial fabrication processes(B3) and warehousing (B4) with portacabins for ancillary office and canteen use with site works, erection of new access and internal site road, extension to site compound and fencing to east of site (retrospective) with new CUP unit, on lands to north east and rear of 24 Old Mill Road, Scarva, Down, BT63 6NL.” Drainage Information As the area of the site is in excess of 1000m a drainage assessment has been undertaken in accordance with the guidance given in Planning Policy statement 15 Planning and Flood Risk –Annex D. The foul drainage from the existing site discharges to an existing public sewer to the front of the site and into a small public treatment plant further down Old Mill Road. The foul drainage from the site will not increase as a result of the new use.

The existing storm drainage system that services the site is established and has been in operation without any problems. Under this change of use proposal it is not proposed to increase the storm run-off from the site. Therefore, the existing storm drainage system can still adequately deal with the site run-off as it has done for years.

Given the location of the site and shown by the Rivers Agency flood maps the site is not affected by any watercourses or any associated floodplain and will therefore not be affected by flooding and is complaint with PPS 15 FLD 1 , 2 and 4. It is not affected by reservoir inundation and is therefore compliant with PPS 15 FLD 5.

Ecology Information The countryside around Scarva is dominated by improved grassland supporting a low biodiversity and productivity of flying insects. This is relieved to some extent by a good network of hedges and shelterbelts which serve as a connective network from the Newry Canal. The application site is a part of this network due to the location beside the Danes Cast woodland which forms a significant green corridor from the canal into the landscape to the north, for this reason alone the local area was judged

to support a moderate bat productivity. The shelterbelt planting alongside the new access is in good condition to serve as a foraging route, but not ideally connected to the local structural green network. The potential bat foraging routes, alongside Compartments D (the landscape screen) or M (the linear woodland along Dane’s Cast, were not impacted by the works undertaken, either by habitat loss, or by being subject to illumination – there is no lighting along the new access track. The hedge removed to construct the new access was < 1m tall and

of little value for bats. The buildings have a negligible potential to host bats roosts. The works for which retrospective permission is sought represented no risk of illegal disturbance of the refuges of other protected species (such as Badger setts) and had negligible impact on the feeding or commuting opportunities for other protected species.

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