2024 Octabuild Awards Brochure



1. Entries can be submitted by any builders merchant store that derives at least 50% of its sales from the building/ construction industry on the island of Ireland.

There is no fee for entering these awards.


3. Entry Forms must be authorised or signed (email/postal entries) by the Manager or senior representative of the store.

4. Closing date for receipt of entries is 5pm on Monday 1st July 2024. 5. A store may enter for one or more of the Category Awards.

6. Stores that wish to enter for a Regional Award (and subsequently qualify for entry into the Octabuild Award for Excellence) must complete all five category sections on the entry form, and in doing so, their entry will also be judged in the individual Category Awards.

7. Stores who are part of a Group may only enter for the Regional Award in the region in which they are located.

8. Those nominated for entry into the Rising Star Award must be aged 30 years or younger on 1st July 2024.

9. Online entries should be submitted through the Octabuild website www.octabuild.ie/awards prior to the closing deadline. NB : Entries will be accepted online via the website, by email and post. An editable version of the entry form can be downloaded from the website, completed offline and sent as an email submission to awards@ octabuild.ie (along with any support material), or printed and sent by post to: Octabuild Builders Merchant Excellence Awards 2024, Huband House, 16 Upper Mount Street, Dublin 2, prior to the deadline for entries. 10. Every store that makes a submission into the 2024 awards will automatically be entered into a free draw for a chance to win €4,000 for the benefit of the store’s employees. One entry into the draw allowed per store. A submission for The Rising Star Award on its own is not included. Announcement of the winner of the draw will be made once the entry deadline for the awards has passed. 11. Entries that exceed the number of words designated for each Category Award or the size and format of any supporting material may not be accepted. 12. The judges will primarily focus on the written information provided on the entry form but supporting material in the form of, for example, sales brochures, photographs of the premises, posters, press cuttings, screen grabs from social media activities, video etc. may also be submitted. 13. From the entry forms received the judges will select a shortlist of entrants in each region/category for visiting. 14. Each shortlisted store will be visited by the judges for up to 90 minutes meeting the manager, observing staff interaction with customers and viewing the physical aspects of both the store and yards. 15. Every effort will be made to ensure that the manager or senior person who signed the entry form for the shortlisted stores will know in advance when the judges will visit their store. However, this cannot be guaranteed as the judges will have a schedule of visits determined by the location of shortlisted stores in each region. 16. If the manager or senior person who signed the entry form is not available when the judges visit, they will seek to speak to your nominated representative on site. 17. Canvassing of judges will result in immediate disqualification from the awards. 18. Completed entry forms and supporting material will be considered confidential and will not be used other than for judging and presentational purposes for the awards. 19. Promotional imagery/company logos may be requested from shortlisted finalists, for use in publicity and the awards presentation visual material. 20. All entries will be acknowledged within 7 days of receipt. 21. Other than a summary report provided after the awards presentation to shortlisted entries, no correspondence will be entered into with any entrants or their representatives. 22. Any questions about the awards should be made in writing to: Administrator, Octabuild Builders Merchant Excellence Awards 2024, Huband House, 16 Upper Mount Street, Dublin 2 or to awards@octabuild.ie 23. By submitting an entry, the Builders Merchant grants Octabuild the right to publicise the entry on its website, in promotional materials, on social media and in the media. 24. The winners will be announced at an awards ceremony on Thursday 17th October 2024 in the Round Room at The Mansion House in Dublin.

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